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3rd Grade Unit 1 – Addition and Subtraction

Unit Overview

Content Focus –

Students continue to develop understanding of the meaning of addition and subtraction using whole numbers, work towards increasing fluency using these operations, and make sense of the structure of place value and the base-10 number system.

Looking Back…

This unit begins with the assumption that students have the ability to use a place value model to represent a number as 10s and 1s.  In 2nd grade, students explored the properties of addition and subtraction, and the relationship between the two operations.  Students should have knowledge of addition and subtraction combinations within 20.  Students will have a variety of strategies for addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers, but many will still be developing fluency.

Looking Forward…

Later in the year, students will expand their understanding of place value to the 1,000s and in 4th grade to the 10,000s.  Students work throughout the year to develop strategies to efficiently solve addition and subtraction problems within 1,000.




computer pic 2

Math Limbo

Break Apart

Base 10 Blocks Addition

Base 10 Blocks Subtraction


Sum Cloud

Greg Tang Materials

Difference Add

Doubling to 1000

Additional Resources

dice pic

Solving Two-Step Word Problems (video series)

Adding and Subtracting Within 1000 (video series)

Mental Math Video