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Category Archives: Bond 2018

Architects Sought to Design New High School

Información en español North Eugene High School first to begin design process Voters in Eugene School District 4J resoundingly passed the school bond measure in November 2018 to fund capital improvements for 4J schools. Bond funds will be used to … Continue reading

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First Bond Sale a Success 

Información en español $150 million in 4J bonds sell quickly in first issue  On November 6, 2018, voters approved Measure 20-297, a bond measure to provide $319.3 million to replace three aging schools and fund capital improvements across the district. The first … Continue reading

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School Board Narrows Options for School Rebuilding Plan

Información en español Join us April 10 to discuss options for Camas Ridge and Edison Elementary School construction Thanks to voters who overwhelmingly approved 4J’s 2018 bond measure, planning for new school buildings is getting underway. This requires some critical … Continue reading

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Help Shape Future School Design: 5-Minute Survey

Información en español Share your priorities and values for school design and construction  Three of 4J’s aging school buildings will be replaced in the next few years, thanks to voters’ approval of the Eugene School District 4J bond measure in … Continue reading

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School Rebuilding Plan Community Meeting

Información en español Join us April 10 to discuss options for Camas Ridge and Edison Elementary School construction NOTE: See update on options under consideration at: https://www.4j.lane.edu/2019/04/camas-ridge-edison-rebuilding-plan-options-narrowed Thanks to voters who overwhelmingly approved 4J’s 2018 bond measure, planning for new … Continue reading

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Contracting for New School Construction

Información en español District elects to use construction manager/general contractor process The Eugene School District will soon be delving into several different large construction projects, including the replacement of three aging school buildings, thanks to the $319.3 million bond measure … Continue reading

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School Design Vision & Values Workshops

Información en español Help shape the future design of 4J’s new schools Thanks to voters’ approval of the school bond measure in November 2018, three of 4J’s aging school buildings will be replaced in the next few years: North Eugene High … Continue reading

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Bond Update: What’s Next for New Schools

Información en español District holds school rebuild info sessions First is at North Eugene HS Monday, March 4 Three of 4J’s aging school buildings will be replaced in the next few years, thanks to voters’ approval of the school bond … Continue reading

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Eye on School Safety: School Security Cameras

Información en español Bond funds providing cameras to enhance school security School safety is a top priority for Eugene School District 4J and for our community. Recent 4J school bond measures overwhelmingly approved by voters have included funding for school … Continue reading

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Survey: Before Designing New Schools, District Seeks Feedback on Previous Buildings

Información en español District gathers input on user experience of schools constructed since 2000  Building User Experience Survey (English / Español)   Voters in Eugene School District 4J resoundingly approved a bond measure in November 2018 to fund improvements at every … Continue reading

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