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School Board History

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The Eugene School Board is the elected board of directors that governs and sets the policy direction for Eugene’s K–12 public education system.

The school board’s makeup has changed over the 130 years since its first three members convened in 1891. In 1902, the board expanded from three to five members, and soon after directors’ terms of office were extended from three to five years. The board again expanded from five members to its current seven members in 1966. In 1970, directors’ terms of office shortened to four years.

Board members are residents of the school district and are elected from the district at-large, not from geographical zones within the district. Before the beginning of each school year, the board selects two of its members to serve as chair and vice chair for the year. They serve as the board’s officers and preside over board meetings.

Below is a record of the board of directors’ membership for each school year, by decade: 2020s, 2010s, 2000s, 1990s, 1980s, 1970s, 1960s, 1950s, 1940s, 1930s, 1920s, 1910s, 1900s, 1890s.

Watermarked photos courtesy of the Lane County Historical Museum. (Click images for more photo details)


Chair Vice Chair Other Board Members
2022–23 Maya Rabasa Gordon Lafer Keerti Hasija Kauffman (appointed April 2022), Alicia Hays, Michelle Hsu (appointed April 2022), Judy Newman, Laural O’Rourke
2021–22 Judy Newman Martina Shabram Alicia Hays, Gordon Lafer, Laural O’Rourke, Maya Rabasa, Mary Walston
2020–21 Mary Walston Judy Newman Alicia Hays, Gordon Lafer, Anne Marie Levis, Martina Shabram, Jim Torrey


Chair Vice Chair Other Board Members
2019–20 Anne Marie Levis Mary Walston Alicia Hays, Gordon Lafer, Judy Newman, Martina Shabram, Jim Torrey (appointed Aug. 2019)
2018–19 Alicia Hays Anne Marie Levis Judy Newman, Eileen Nittler, Evangelina Sundgrenz, Jim Torrey, Mary Walston
2017–18 Eileen Nittler Alicia Hays Anne Marie Levis, Judy Newman, Evangelina Sundgrenz, Jim Torrey
2016–17 Mary Walston Eileen Nittler Jennifer Geller, Beth Gerot, Alicia Hays, Anne Marie Levis, Jim Torrey
2015–16 Anne Marie Levis Jennifer Geller Beth Gerot, Alicia Hays, Eileen Nittler, Jim Torrey, Mary Walston
2014–15 Jim Torrey Alicia Hays Jennifer Geller, Beth Gerot, Anne Marie Levis, Craig Smith, Mary Walston
2013–14 Mary Walston Beth Gerot Jennifer Geller, Alicia Hays, Anne Marie Levis, Craig Smith, Jim Torrey
2012–13 Jennifer Geller Mary Walston Beth Gerot, Alicia Hays, Anne Marie Levis, Craig Smith, Jim Torrey
2011–12 Alicia Hays Jennifer Geller Beth Gerot, Anne Marie Levis, Craig Smith, Jim Torrey, Mary Walston
2010–11 Craig Smith Alicia Hays Jennifer Geller, Beth Gerot, Anne Marie Levis, Jim Torrey, Mary Walston

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Chair Vice Chair Other Board Members
2009–10 Craig Smith Beth Gerot Jennifer Geller, Alicia Hays, Anne Marie Levis, Jim Torrey, Mary Walston (appointed Sept. 2009)
2008–09 Charles Martinez Jr. Yvette Webber-Davis Eric Forrest, Beth Gerot, Alicia Hays, Craig Smith, Jim Torrey
2007–08 Charles Martinez Jr. Beth Gerot Eric Forrest, Alicia Hays, Craig Smith, Jim Torrey, Yvette Webber-Davis
2006–07 Tom Herrmann Charles Martinez Jr. Eric Forrest, Beth Gerot, Alicia Hays (appointed Jan. 2007), Craig Smith, Yvette Webber-Davis
2005–06 Beth Gerot Tom Herrmann Eric Forrest, Charles Martinez, Jr., Craig Smith, Anette Spickard, Virginia Thompson
2004–05 Beth Gerot Virginia Thompson Eric Forrest (appointed Jan. 2005), Tom Herrmann, Charles Martinez Jr., Craig Smith, Anette Spickard
2003–04 Beth Gerot Virginia Thompson Mike Fox, Tom Herrmann, Chris Pryor, Craig Smith, Anette Spickard
2002–03 Jan Oliver Beth Gerot Mike Fox, Chris Pryor, Craig Smith, Anette Spickard, Virginia Thompson
2001–02 Jan Oliver Beth Gerot Mike Fox, Chris Pryor, Craig Smith, Anette Spickard, Virginia Thompson
2000–01 Craig Smith Beth Gerot Mike Fox, Jan Oliver, Chris Pryor, Anette Spickard (appointed Jan. 2001), Virginia Thompson.

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Chair Vice Chair Other Board Members
1999–2000 Craig Smith Virginia Thompson Phil Barnhart, Mike Fox, Beth Gerot, Jan Oliver, Chris Pryor
1998–99 Chris Pryor Craig Smith Phil Barnhart, Mike Fox, Beth Gerot (appointed Jan. 1999), Jan Oliver, Virginia Thompson
1997–98 Chris Pryor Craig Smith Phil Barnhart, Mike Fox, Jan Oliver, Stan Reeves, Virginia Thompson
1996–97 Virginia Thompson Chris Pryor Phil Barnhart, Mike Fox, Jan Oliver, Stan Reeves, Craig Smith
1995–96 Virginia Thompson Chris Pryor Phil Barnhart, Mike Fox, Jan Oliver, Stan Reeves, Craig Smith
1994–95 Jan Oliver Virginia Thompson Phil Barnhart, Mike Fox, Chris Pryor, Stan Reeves, Steve Robinson
1993–94 Jan Oliver Judy Moseley Mike Fox, Chris Pryor, Stan Reeves, Steve Robinson, Virginia Thompson
1992–93 Judy Moseley Steve Robinson Mike Fox, Jan Oliver, Stan Reeves, Virginia Thompson, Jan Wostmann
1991–92 Judy Moseley Virginia Thompson Sue Miller, Jan Oliver (appointed Oct. 1991), Stan Reeves (appointed Jan. 1992), Steve Robinson, Jan Wostmann
1990–91 Paul Harrison Judy Moseley Tom Heger, Karen Hemmingsen, Sue Miller, Steve Robinson, Jan Wostmann

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Chair Vice Chair Other Board Members
1989–90 Paul Harrison Tom Heger Karen Hemmingsen, Sue Miller, Judy Moseley, Steve Robinson, Jan Wostmann
1988–89 Steve Robinson Paul Harrison Jack Billings, Tom Heger, Karen Hemmingsen, Sue Miller, Judy Moseley
1987–88 Jack Billings Steve Robinson Paul Harrison, Tom Heger, Karen Hemmingsen,  Sue Miller, Judy Moseley
1986–87 Karen Hemmingsen Steven Robinson Jack Billings, Paul Harrison, Tom Heger, Sue Miller, Judy Moseley
1985–86 Michael Williams Steve Robinson Jack Billings, Paul Harrison, Karen Hemmingsen, Sue Miller, Judy Moseley
1984–85 Michael Williams Judy Moseley Jack Billings, Paul Harrison, Karen Hemmingsen, Sue Miller, Steve Robinson
1983–84 Jack Billings Michael Williams Paul Harrison, James Jeppesen, Donna Kernutt, Judy Moseley, Steve Robinson
1982–83 Yvonne Olsson Jack Billings
Maggie Heidenrich, James Jeppesen, Donna Kernutt, Judy Moseley, Michael Williams
1981–82 Yvonne Olsson Margaret Gontrum Jack Billings, James Britton, Maggie Heidenrich, James H. Jeppesen, Donna Kernutt
1980–81 Donna Kernutt Yvonne Olsson James Britton, Margaret Gontrum, Maggie Heidenrich, James Jeppesen, Howard Warner

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Chair Vice Chair Other Board Members
1979–80 Donna Kernutt Yvonne Olsson James Britton, Margaret Gontrum, Maggie Heidenrich, James Jeppesen, Howard Warner
1978–79 James Britton James Zeppesen Margaret Gontrum, Donna Kernutt, Frank Nearing, Howard Warner, Jonathan West
1977–78 Jonathan West Charles Burrows Donna Kernutt, Frank Nearing, Ruth Shepherd, Howard Warner, Barbara West,
1976–77 Jonathan West Charles Burrows Samuel Frear, Donna Kernutt, Frank Nearing, Ruth Shepherd, Barbara West
1975–76 Samuel Frear Jonathan West Charles Burrows, Lawrence Hughes, Frank Nearing, Ruth Shepherd, Barbara West
1974–75 Samuel Frear Jonathan West Charles Burrows, Lawrence Hughes, Gail Nicholson, Ruth Shepherd, Barbara West
1973–74 Gail Nicholson Robert Harland Samuel Frear, Lawrence Hughes, Frank Nearing, Barbara West, Jonathan West
1972–73 Samuel Frear Gail Nicholson Robert Harland, Frank Nearing, Lawrence Hughes,  Barbara West, Jonathan West
1971–72 Samuel Frear Gail Nicholson Robert Harland, Lawrence Hughes, Frank Nearing, Lora Webb, Jonathan West
1970–71 Ervin Molholm Gail Nicholson Walton Berton, Samuel Frear, Robert Harland, Lora Webb, Archie Zarewski

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Chair Vice Chair Other Board Members
1969–70 Ervin Molholm Robert Harland Walton Berton, Samuel Frear, Gail Nicholson, Lora Webb, Archie Zarewski
1968–69 Richard Miller Robert Harland Samuel Frear, Ervin Molholm, Gail Nicholson, Lora Webb, Archie Zarewski
1967–68 Henry Nilsen Richard Miller Robert Harland, Ervin Molholm, Gail Nicholson, Lora Webb (appointed Oct. 1967), Archie Zarewski

No vice chair was elected prior to the 1967–1968 school year:

1966–67 Charles Sikes Robert Harland, Richard Miller, Ervin Molholm, Henry Nilsen, Gail Nicholson, Archie Zarewski
1965–66 L.W. Stauffer Richard Miller, Gail Nicholson, Henry Nilsen, Charles Sikes
1964–65 Vernon Hoffman Richard Miller, Henry Nilsen, Charles Sikes, L. W. Stauffer
1963–64 Richard Miller Vernon Hoffman, Henry Nilsen, Charles Sikes, L. W. Stauffer
1962–63 Richard Miller Vernon Hoffman, Henry Nilsen, Charles Sikes, L. W. Stauffer
1961–62 Lee Bishop Vernon Hoffman, Richard Miller, Henry Nilsen, L. W. Stauffer
1960–61 Lee Bishop Vernon Hoffman, Richard Miller, Gordon T. Olsen (appointed March 1961), L.W. Stauffer

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Chair Other Board Members
1959–60 Gordon Olsen Lee Bishop, Richard E. Miller, Sarah K. Stafford, L. W. Stauffer
1958–59 Otto F. Vonderheit Lee Bishop, Gordon T. Olsen, Sarah K. Stafford, L.W. Stauffer
1957–58 Charles E. Teague Lee Bishop, Ann Corum, Gordon T. Olsen, Otto Vonderheit
1956–57 Lee P. Bishop Mrs. H. O. Colburn, Gordon Olsen, Charles E. Teague, Otto F. Vonderheit
1955–56 Mrs. H. O. Colburn Lee P. Bishop, Gordon T. Olsen, Charles E. Teague, Otto Vonderheit
1954–55 Virgil M. Cameron Lee Bishop, Mrs. H. O. Colburn, Charles E. Teague, Otto Vonderheit
1953–54 Harry I. Hamilton Lee P. Bishop, Virgil M. Cameron, Mrs. H. O. Colburn, Charles E. Teague
1952–53 Stanley Summers Lee P. Bishop, Virgil M. Cameron, Mrs. H. O. Colburn, Harry I. Hamilton
1951–52 Gilbert D. MacLaren Virgil M. Cameron, Mrs. H. O. Colburn, Harry I. Hamilton, Stanley Summers
1950–51 Mrs. Clifford Constance Virgil M. Cameron, Harry I. Hamilton, Gilbert D. MacLaren, Stanley Summers

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Chair Other Board Members
1949–50 Virgil M. Cameron Mrs. Clifford Constance, Gilbert D. MacLaren, Harry I. Hamilton, Stanley Summers
1948–49 Hart Larsen Virgil M. Cameron, Mrs. Clifford Constance, Gilbert D. MacLaren, Stanley Summers
1947–48 E.A. Christensen Virgil M. Cameron, Mrs. Clifford Constance, Hart Larsen, Gilbert D. MacLaren
1946–47 Gilbert MacLaren Virgil Cameron, E. H. Christensen, Mrs. Clifford Constance, Hart Larsen
1945–46 Mrs. Clifford Constance Virgil M. Cameron, E. H. Christensen, Hart Larsen, Gilbert D. MacLaren
1944–45 Gilbert D. McLaren Virgil M. Cameron, E. H. Christensen, Mrs. Clifford Constance, Hart Larsen
1943–44 Austin Dodds Winsor F. Calkins, E. H. Christensen, Mrs. C. L. Constance, G. D. MacLaren
1942–43 Victor P. Morris Mrs. C. L. Constance, Austin Dodds, G. D. McLaren, Lloyd A. Payne
1941–42 G.D. McLaren Mrs. C. L. Constance, Austin Dodds,Victor P. Morris, Lloyd A. Payne
1940–41 Mrs. W. S. Love Austin E. Dodds, Gilbert D. MacLaren, Lloyd A. Payne, O.F. Stafford

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Chair Other Board Members
1939–40 Lloyd A. Payne Austin Dodds, Mrs. W. S. Love, G.D. MacLaren, O.F. Stafford
1938–39 G.D. McLaren Austin Dodds, Mrs. W. S. Love, Victor P. Morris, Lloyd A. Payne
1937–38 G.D. McLaren Austin Dodds, Mrs. W. S. Love, Victor P. Morris, Lloyd A. Payne
1936–37 Fred G. Stickels Austin E. Dodds, Mrs. W. S. Love, G.D. MacLaren, Victor P. Morris
1935–36 Victor P. Morris E. M. Drew, Mrs. W. S. Love, G. D. MacLaren, Fred G. Stickels
1934–35 Mrs. W. D. Smith Earl M. Drew, G. D. MacLaren, Victor P. Morris, Fred G. Stickels
1933–34 E.F. Bailey E. M. Drew, Victor P. Morris, A. A. Rogers, Mrs. W. D. Smith
1932–33 E. M. Drew E. F. Bailey, A. A. Rogers,  Mrs. W. D. Smith, H. W. Titus
1931–32 A. R. Gray Edward F. Bailey, E. M. Drew, Mrs. W. D. Smith, H. W. Titus
1930–31 Charles H. A. Brechtel E. M. Drew, A. R. Gray, Mrs. W. D. Smith, H. W. Titus

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Chair Other Board Members
1929–30 W. F. Reed Charles H. A. Brechtel, A. R. Gray, Mrs. W. D. Smith, H. W. Titus
1928–29 Willard A. Elkins Charles H. A. Brechtel, A. R. Gray, W. F. Reed, H. W. Titus
1927–28 J. T. Evans Willard A. Elkins, A. R. Gray, W. F. Reed, H. W. Titus
1926–27 C. W. Mullin Willard A. Elkins, J. T. Evans, A. R. Gray, W. F. Reed
1925–26 Frederick G. Jennings Willard A. Elkins, J. T. Evans, C. W. Mullin, W. F. Reed
1924–25 Frederick G. Jennings Willard A. Elkins, J .T. Evans, C. W. Mullin, W. F. Reed
1923–24 P. J. Bartle Willard A. Elkins, Mrs. E. V. Ford, Frederick G. Jennings, Mrs. Roy Loomis
1922–23 Hollis W. Libby P.J. Bartle, Mrs. E. V. Ford, E. F. Keeney, Mrs. Roy Loomis
1921–22 Hollis W. Libby P. J. Bartle, Mrs. E. V. Ford, E. F. Keeney, Mrs. F. L. Shinn
1920–21 Mrs. Alberta S. McMurphey P. J. Bartle, Charles M. Emery, Hollis W. Libby, Mrs. F. L. Shinn

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Chair Other Board Members
1919–20 Luke L. Goodrich Grant S. Beardsley, E. E. Bryson, S. M. Calkins, Mrs. Alberta S. McMurphey
1918–19 H. O. Bowen Grant S. Beardsley, E. R. Bryson, Luke L. Goodrich, Mrs. Alberta S. McMurphey
1917–18 R. S. Hamilton Grant S. Beardsley, H. O. Bowen, Luke L. Goodrich, Mrs. Alberta S. McMurphey
1916–17 E. O. Potter H.O. Bowen, Luke L. Goodrich, R. S. Hamilton, Mrs. Alberta S. McMurphey
1915–16 E. U. Lee Luke L. Goodrich, R. S. Hamilton, Mrs. Alberta S. McMurphey, E.O. Potter
1914–15 Mrs. C. M. Collier R. S. Hamilton, E. U. Lee, E.O. Potter, W. C. Yoran
1913–14 Fred Ludford Mrs. C. M. Collier, E. U. Lee, E. O. Potter, W. C. Yoran
1912–13 S. D. Allen Mr. C. M. Collier, E. U. Lee, Fred Ludford, W. C. Yoran
1911–12 W. C. Yoran S. D. Allen, Mrs. C. M. Collier, E. U. Lee, Fred Ludford
1910–11 O. J. Hull S. D. Allen, W. G. Allen, Mrs. C. M. Collier, W. C. Yoran

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Chair Other Board Members
1909–10 R. McMurphey S. D. Allen, W. L. Cheshire, O. J. Hull, W. C. Yoran
1908–09 W. L. Chesire S. D. Allen, O. I. Hull, R. McMurphey, W. C. Yoran
1907–08 F. W. Osburn W. L. Cheshire, O. J. Hull, R. McMurphey, W. C. Yoran
1906–07 F. W. Osburn W. L. Cheshire, O. I. Hull, R. McMurphey, W. C. Yoran
1905–06 Mrs. C. M. Collier W. L. Cheshire, F. W. Osburn, R. McMurphey, W. O. Zeigler
1904–05 J. J. Walton W. L. Cheshire, Mrs. C. M. Collier, F. W. Osburn, W. O. Zeigler
1903–04 J. H. McClung Mrs. C. M. Collier, F. W. Osburn, J. J. Walton, W. O. Zeigler
1902–03 E. Schwarzschild Mrs. C. M. Collier, J. H. McClung, J. J. Walton, W. O. Zeigler
1901–02 S. B. Eakin J. H. McClung, E. Schwarzschild
1900–01 J. H. McClung S. B. Eakin, E. Schwarzschild

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Chair Other Board Members
1899–1900 J. H. McClung S. B. Eakin, E. Schwarzschild
1898–99 C. S. Frank William Gilbert, J. H. McClung
1897–98 J. L. Page C. S. Frank, William Gilbert
1896–97 William Preston C. S. Frank, J. L. Page
1895–96 B. D. Paine J. D. Page, William Preston
1894–95 I. I. Walton B. D. Paine, William Preston
1893–94 F. W. Osburn B. D. Paine, J. J. Walton
1892–93 F. W. Osburn B. D. Paine, J. J. Walton
1891–92 J. H. McClung E. R. Luckey, F. W. Osburn


Historia de la junta escolar

La junta escolar de Eugene es la junta de directores elegidos que gobiernan y fijan la dirección de las normas para el sistema educativo público de las escuelas K-12 de Eugene. 

La conformación de la junta escolar ha cambiado a través de los últimos 130 años desde que sus primeros tres miembros se convocaron en 1891. En 1902 la junta creció a cinco miembros, y pronto después los plazos de servicio se extendieron de tres a cinco años. La junta se expandió una vez más de cinco a siete miembros en 1966 como continúa hasta ahora.  En 1970 los plazos de servicio se redujeron a cuatro años.

Los miembros de la junta son residentes del distrito escolar y son elegidos de todas partes del distrito sin importar la zona geográfica dentro del distrito. Antes del comienzo de cada año escolar, la junta selecciona a dos de sus miembros para servir como el presidente y vicepresidente por ese año. Ellos sirven como los oficiales de la junta y presiden las reuniones de las juntas.

Arriba está el registro de los directores de la junta por cada año escolar por décadas y en orden descendiente: 2020s, 2010s, 2000s, 1990s, 1980s, 1970s, 1960s, 1950s, 1940s, 1930s, 1920s, 1910s, 1900s, 1890s.

Las fotos marcadas son cortesía del Lane County Historical Museum. (Haga click en la imagen para más detalles)