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Board Meeting Summary & Video: February 1, 2023

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February 1, 2023
School Board Work Session & Regular Meeting

On Wednesday, February 1, the school board held a work session and regular meeting. The sessions were open to the public via in-person meeting, live video on Zoom, live audio stream, and radio broadcast on KRVM 1280-AM and 98.7-FM.

Regular Meeting

Introductory Comments

The school board honored the Sheldon High School volleyball team for the program’s first state championship. It’s the first volleyball state championship won by a 4J high school in nearly 50 years (watch).

In his remarks, Superintendent Andy Dey noted the first meeting of the 4J Budget Committee, the ongoing work to transition to a new high school schedule this fall, the ongoing review of the proposed 2023–24 academic calendar, and the upcoming budget roadshow meetings to discuss how 4J and other Oregon school district are funded and how they spend public dollars to educate students (watch).

Items for Information (no board action is expected to be taken)

• Received update about Lane Education Service District Local Service Plan (watch): The education service district supports the county’s school districts, including 4J. State law requires each education service district to adopt and regularly update a plan outlining how it will improve instruction and student learning, ensure equitable access to resources and make efficient use of available funding. Representatives of the Lane Education Service Department provided an update on the first year of the plan adopted for the 2023–25 school years. The school board will vote to adopt that plan at a future meeting.

Reported on legislative updates (watch): Board member Judy Newman, chair of 4J’s legislative committee, provided information about legislative topics.

Reported on instruction department goals and Student Investment Account strategies (watch): Superintendent Andy Dey outlined the district’s ongoing work to adopt a comprehensive plan that unifies six separate federal and state programs and initiatives that provide funding to 4J to achieve set goals. The district also is incorporating into that plan a focus on the board’s and superintendent’s three top priorities: timely communication and meaningful engagement; safety and well-being for students and staff; and a focus on equitable access and advancement for all.

Items for Action

• Approved the consent calendar (watch): With a single vote, the board approved a printing services contract. The vote was unanimous.

Approve revision to board policy on board meeting procedures (watch): The board approved a revision to its meeting procedures so a discussion ends on a given topic after each board member has had no more than two opportunities to speak on a given topic. The discussion on that topic only can be extended if the board votes to do so. The vote was 4-3, with Chair Maya Rabasa, Vice Chair Gordon Lafer and board members Keerti Hasija Kauffman and Michelle Hsu voting for the revision, and board members Alicia Hays, Judy Newman and Laural O’Rourke voting against the revision.

• Approval dismissal of board complaint (watch): The board voted to dismiss a complaint that members heard about during an executive, or nonpublic, session. The vote was 6-1, with all board members except Laural O’Rourke approving the dismissal of the complaint.

Items for Future Action (board action is expected at a later meeting)

Received update on North Eugene High School building (watch): With the new North Eugene High School set to open this fall, the Eugene School Board is considering options for what to do with the existing building once it’s vacated. District staff provided some additional information and answered questions from board members about the existing building.

Public Input

The board heard live public comment in person and virtually via Zoom (watch). One person testified before the board about the existing North Eugene High School building. To request to provide public comment to the school board, community members may complete an online request form by the Monday before the next regular board meeting. Community members also may send comments via email to board@4j.lane.edu.

NOTE:  This is a quick summary of the topics and actions at a meeting of the school board. This document is NOT the official minutes of the school board. Official minutes are posted after they are drafted, reviewed and approved by the board. Audio recordings of meetings are typically posted within two days after the meeting. 

School Board Meeting Schedule & Information

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