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Board Meeting Summary & Video: December 14, 2022

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December 14, 2022
School Board Work Session & Regular Meeting

On Wednesday, December 14, the school board held a work session and regular meeting. The sessions were open to the public via in-person meeting, live video on Zoom, live audio stream, and radio broadcast on KRVM 1280-AM and 98.7-FM.

Work Session

Board members interviewed five finalists seeking appointment to a vacant seat on 4J’s budget committee. The board interviewed three candidates in person and two candidates over Zoom.

Regular Meeting

Introductory Comments

Superintendent Andy Dey noted that winter break was around the corner and said he hoped it provided an opportunity for students and staff to relax and recharge. (watch).

Items for Information (no board action is expected to be taken)

• Received information about the public comment period for a state testing waiver (watch): District staff provided information about the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) inviting public comment on a proposal to reduce state testing during the 2023–24 school year.

Received 4J’s financial report for the first quarter of the 2023 fiscal year (watch): The report includes updated numbers for the district’s operating budget and Nutrition Services program from July 1–September 30, 2022.

Received information about new high school schedule (watch): Superintendent Andy presented information about the district’s selection of a new high school schedule.

Items for Action

• Approved the consent calendar (watch): With a single vote, the board approved the following items: interdistrict transfers for the 2022–23 school year, a board resolution urging the Oregon School Boards Association to diversify its workforce, a board policy on workplace harassment, and routine personnel actions. The vote was unanimous.

• Approved making changes to draft board meeting minutes (watch): The board directed staff to amend the draft minutes of the December 16 board meeting to accurately reflect what occurred during the meeting. The vote was 6-1, with Gordon Lafer voting no.

Appointed budget committee member (watch): The board voted to appoint Dakota Boulette to 4J’s budget committee. The vote was unanimous.

• Approved restarting the equity trainer hiring process (watch): The board approved restarting the hiring process for an equity trainer after it was unable to move forward with a vote on a proposed slate of three finalists to invite for interviews. The vote was unanimous.

Approved 4J’s legislative priorities (watch): The board approved its legislative priorities in advance of meeting with state lawmakers in January. The vote was unanimous.

• Approved resolution to board complaint (watch): Following an executive, or nonpublic session, the board approved sending a letter to the complainant outlining its resolution as advised by legal counsel. The vote was unanimous.

Items for Future Action (board action is expected at a later meeting)

Considered renewal of public charter school contract (watch): Network Charter School has submitted a letter requesting that the district renew its charter school contract so it can continue operating. The superintendent has recommended a five-year contract renewal, pending successful contract negotiations. The board will hold a public hearing on the proposed contract renewal on January 18 and is scheduled to vote on the charter school’s request later in the meeting.

Considered process for superintendent’s job performance evaluation (watch): The board is required to evaluate the superintendent’s job performance every year. Board members briefly discussed the process they’d like to use this year.

Public Input

The board heard live public comment in person and virtually via Zoom (watch). Five people testified before the board, including about the proposed contract renewal for Network Charter School. To request to provide public comment to the school board, community members may complete an online request form by the Monday before the next regular board meeting. Community members also may send comments via email to board@4j.lane.edu.

NOTE:  This is a quick summary of the topics and actions at a meeting of the school board. This document is NOT the official minutes of the school board. Official minutes are posted after they are drafted, reviewed and approved by the board. Audio recordings of meetings are typically posted within two days after the meeting. 

School Board Meeting Schedule & Information

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