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Board Meeting Summary & Video: November 2, 2022

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November 2, 2022
School Board Regular Meeting

On Wednesday, November 2, the school board held a regular meeting. The sessions were open to the public via live video on Zoom, live audio stream, and radio broadcast on KRVM 1280-AM and 98.7-FM.

Regular Meeting

Introductory Comments

Superintendent Andy Dey updated board members on district initiatives to ensure equitable outcomes for all students, one of his main priorities for the school year. He also extended an invitation to the Día De Los Muertos (“Day of the Dead”) celebration at North Eugene High School on Friday, Nov. 4 (watch).

Items for Information (no board action is expected to be taken)

• Discussed legislative priorities (watch): Board members discussed their priorities for the upcoming legislative session, which begins in January and runs through June.

Items for Action

• Approved items on the consent agenda (watch): The board approved a contract with Sexual Assault Support Services; authorized the purchase of new furniture and technology for the new North Eugene High School building; and approved a contract for the building control systems for the new Camas Ridge Elementary School building.  It also approved the official minutes of the second session of the annual board retreat on October 1, as well as the minutes for the board meetings on October 12 and October 19. The vote was unanimous.

• Approved the selection process for 4J’s equity trainer (watch): The district is accepting responses to its request for quotes from individuals or firms interested in facilitating the board’s ongoing equity work. District staff provided board members with three options to make their selection. The board unanimously selected the option where board members will individually rank all the requests for quotes and select three to interview during a future work session. The board will rank the finalists at a future regular meeting and then vote to hire the trainer that receives the most points. The board also voted unanimously to add working with public boards as one of the criteria it will use in assessing the requests for quotes it receives.

Authorized changes in appointing school board members to certain committees (watch): All board members are assigned to serve on various committees, both permanent standing committees as well as ad hoc committees that are convened for specific purposes. The board discussed having more uniform representation on ad hoc committees so that board members are sharing the load, and individual members aren’t sitting on either too many or too few of these committees.

The board approved an addition to its working agreements that says before any new committee can be created, members have a chance to discuss the appointments of board members at one meeting before finalizing the appointments at a second meeting. The vote was 6-l, with Michelle Hsu voting no.

The board also removed Laural O’Rourke from the board’s mental health subcommittee, approving her request. The vote was unanimous.

Earlier, the board rejected a motion to conduct a mid-year review of ad hoc board committees — those convened for a specific purpose — before additional ad hoc committee are convened. The vote was 4-3 with Maya Rabasa, Gordon Lafer, Michelle Hsu and Keerti Hasija Kauffman voting no, and Alicia Hays, Judy Newman and Laural O’Rourke voting yes.

• Rejected changes to scoring for the equity trainer selection process (watch): Following a discussion, the board rejected changing the scoring system used to evaluate the candidates for equity trainer so four of the five criteria — work experience, lived experience, skills and knowledge, availability and access, and cost — would be equally weighted at 30 points. The final criteria, cost, would have been scored using a 20-point scale. The vote was 4-3 with Maya Rabasa, Gordon Lafer, Michelle Hsu and Keerti Hasija Kauffman voting no, and Alicia Hays, Judy Newman and Laural O’Rourke voting yes. The scoring system will be as follows: work experience, up to 30 points; lived experience, 30; skills and knowledge, 20; availability and access, 10; and cost, 10.

Items for Future Action (board action is expected at a later meeting)

Discussed revisions to the board policy on public complaints (watch): The board reviewed changes it had requested to Board Policy KL – Public Complaints. The proposed changes will better align with board goals and best practices for supporting public complaints.

• Considered a board resolution related to protective measures to ensure safe public meetings (watch): The board heard about and briefly discussed a proposed resolution to ensure that in-person public meetings are held in a manner that that is healthy and safe for community members, students, staff and school board.

• Discussed the performance evaluation process for the superintendent (watch): The board heard a brief overview of the performance evaluation of the superintendent that the board is required to complete every year.

Public Input

The board heard live public comment virtually via Zoom (watch). Three people spoke about increasing involvement of disabled and neurodivergent students in school activities, student behavior and standardized testing. To request to provide public comment to the school board, community members may complete an online request form by the Monday before the next regular board meeting. Community members also may send comments via email to board@4j.lane.edu.

NOTE:  This is a quick summary of the topics and actions at a meeting of the school board. This document is NOT the official minutes of the school board. Official minutes are posted after they are drafted, reviewed and approved by the board. Audio recordings of meetings are typically posted within two days after the meeting. 

School Board Meeting Schedule & Information

Resumen y video de la reunión de la junta del 2 de noviembre de 2022

Reunión Ordinaria de la Junta Escolar

El miércoles 2 de noviembre, la junta escolar celebró una reunión ordinaria. Las sesiones estuvieron abiertas al público a través de video en vivo en Zoom, transmisión de audio en vivo y transmisión de radio en las KRVM 1280-AM y 98.7-FM.

Reunión regular

Comentarios introductorios

El superintendente Andy Dey actualizó a los miembros de la junta sobre las iniciativas del distrito para garantizar resultados equitativos para todos los estudiantes, una de sus principales prioridades para el año escolar. También extendió una invitación a la celebración del Día de los Muertos en la Preparatoria North Eugene el viernes 4 de noviembre (ver).

Puntos de información (no se espera que se tomen medidas de la junta)

  • Prioridades legislativas discutidas (ver): Los miembros de la junta discutieron sus prioridades para la próxima sesión legislativa, que comienza en enero y termina en junio.

Elementos para la acción

  • Elementos aprobados en la agenda de consentimiento (ver): La junta aprobó un contrato con los Servicios de Apoyo a la Agresión Sexual; autorizó la compra de nuevos muebles y tecnología para el nuevo edificio de la Preparatoria North Eugene; y aprobó un contrato para los sistemas de control de edificios para el nuevo edificio de la Escuela Primaria Camas Ridge. También aprobó las actas oficiales de la segunda sesión del retiro anual de la junta el 1 de octubre, así como las actas de las reuniones de la junta del 12 y 19 de octubre. El voto fue unánime.
  • Se aprobó el proceso de selección para el capacitador de equidad del 4J (ver): El distrito está aceptando respuestas a su solicitud de cotizaciones de personas o empresas interesadas en facilitar el trabajo continuo de equidad de la junta. La junta recibió y discutió brevemente las opciones disponibles para seleccionar el entrenador de equidad.
  • Cambios autorizados en la membresía de un subcomité de la junta escolar (ver):

Elementos para acciones futuras (se espera que la junta tome medidas en una reunión posterior)

  • Discutió revisiones a la política de la junta sobre quejas públicas (ver):
  • Consideró una resolución de la junta relacionada con las medidas de protección para garantizar reuniones públicas seguras (ver):
  • Discutió el proceso de evaluación del desempeño para el superintendente (ver):

Aportes públicos

La junta escuchó comentarios públicos virtualmente a través de Zoom (ver). Tres personas hablaron sobre la creciente participación de los estudiantes con discapacidad y neuro divergentes en las actividades escolares, el comportamiento de los estudiantes y las pruebas estandarizadas. Para solicitar proporcionar comentarios públicos a la junta escolar, los miembros de la comunidad pueden completar un formulario de solicitud en línea antes del lunes anterior a la próxima reunión ordinaria de la junta. Los miembros de la comunidad también pueden enviar comentarios por correo electrónico a board@4j.lane.edu.

Agenda y materiales Materiales

Materiales de la reunión regular de la junta del 2 de noviembre

Audio de la reunión regular de la junta del 2 de noviembre
Video de la reunión de la junta del 2 de noviembre

NOTA: Este es un breve resumen de los temas y acciones en una reunión de la junta escolar. Este documento NO es el acta oficial de la junta escolar. Las actas oficiales se publican después de que son redactadas, revisadas y aprobadas por la junta. Las grabaciones de audio de las reuniones generalmente se publican dentro de los dos días posteriores a la reunión. 

Calendario e información de las reuniones de la junta escolar

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