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School Schedules for Hybrid & Online Learners

Five days of learning, two days on-site in hybrid model

School Schedules: ElementaryMiddle High
Horarios en español: PrimariaSecundariaPreparatoria 

After a year of distance learning, 4J students are getting ready to return to school classrooms.

Students enrolled in the hybrid model will learn on-site at school two days a week—either Monday and Tuesday, or Thursday and Friday—and online at home the other days. Students enrolled in all-online learning will learn from home five days a week.

Grade-level teams of teachers, specialists and administrators have worked to develop learning schedules that will provide students with high-quality, teacher-directed learning, both on-site and online. School days will feature a combination of live full-class instruction, small group work, and independent learning activities. 

Hybrid & Online School Schedules 

Elementary School Schedule (click to expand)

Image of elementary school schedule. It is linked to a machine-readable PDF.
Students enrolled in the hybrid model will attend school on-site two days a week and will have live class time every day.

School will start each day with a class zoom connecting students in the classroom and at home. Music and PE will be live instruction via Zoom two days a week, on days students are learning online. All students will learn from home on Wednesdays, with a blend of live class time and independent learning time.

Elementary schools will have a 5-hour school day with lunch and recess. School start times are the same or similar to the school’s schedule in normal years, either 7:55 a.m. or 8:45 a.m. (Schools that normally would start at 8:30 a.m. will instead begin at 8:45 this spring, because more time between school bus routes is needed for COVID safety protocols.)

The school schedule will be similar for classrooms of students enrolled in all-online learning, but without any students learning on-site.


Middle School Schedule (click to expand)

Image of middle school schedule. It is linked to a machine-readable PDF.Students in the hybrid and online models will continue in the same classes with the same A/B day schedule as during distance learning. Students will continue to attend Periods 1, 2 and 3 on A days (Monday and Thursday) and Periods 4, 5 and 6 on B days (Tuesday and Friday), both online and on-site. Wednesdays do not have live class times scheduled; students will engage in asynchronous learning assignments, enrichments, and targeted supports for academic, behavioral and social emotional needs.

Daily Zoom classes for all students will be in the morning, four days a week. This change makes the daily schedule for middle school students more similar to the elementary and high school schedule, and is aligned with parent feedback about the distance learning schedule, in which middle school class times were in the afternoon.

Students enrolled in the hybrid model will come to school on-site in the afternoon two days a week, either Mondays and Tuesdays or Thursdays and Fridays. Students will attend Periods 1, 2 and 3 on A days and Periods 4, 5 and 6 on B days, the same as their morning Zoom classes, for on-site instruction to deepen, enrich and support their learning and provide social emotional learning and connections. Students who are not attending school on-site that day will engage in asynchronous learning assignments at home for the same classes.


High School Schedule (click to expand) 

Image of high school schedule. It is linked to a machine-readable PDF.Students in the hybrid and online models will have the same classes. High schools’ daily schedule in the hybrid model will mirror the schedule during distance learning, with the same class times and the same A/B day schedule.

Students will continue to attend Periods 1, 2 and 3 on A days (Monday and Thursday) and Periods 4, 5 and 0 on B days (Tuesday and Friday), both online and on-site. Students will attend live class sessions in the morning and early afternoon, and engage in asynchronous learning assignments at home in the afternoon, four days a week. On Wednesdays, as during distance learning, students will attend real-time advisory class via Zoom in the morning, targeted supports and enrichments for some students, and engage in asynchronous applied learning for all classes.

Students enrolled in the hybrid model will attend school on-site two days a week, either Mondays and Tuesdays or Thursdays and Fridays, while students who are not attending school on-site that day will engage in those classes simultaneously at a distance.


Detailed School Schedules

Elementary school schedules will vary by grade so all students have access to specialist instruction and targeted interventions. Individual middle and high schools’ schedules also may vary slightly from the districtwide schedules above, such as to spread out passing periods for different groups of students. Your school will share its specific schedule.

Starting the New Trimester

Middle and high schools will begin Trimester 3 after spring break on March 29. For the first week of the term, the weekly schedule will be different than usual—Monday will be an Advisory / Flex Day (usually on Wednesdays), Tuesday an A Day, Wednesday B Day, Thursday A Day, and Friday B Day. School will return to the regular A/B schedule after the start of the term.

Cohort Assignments 

Students have been assigned to cohorts based on a complex set of factors, starting with a division by alphabet and then adjusting to keep siblings together, support students’ learning needs, and balance cohorts and class sizes. For the most part, students with last names beginning with A–L are in the first cohort and students with names beginning with M–Z are in the second cohort. If you’re not sure which cohort your student is assigned to, look for an email with information from your school.


Hybrid & Online School Schedules: ElementaryMiddle High
Horarios en español: PrimariaSecundariaPreparatoria 

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