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4J Benefits and Wellness Newsletter – December 2020 – Issue 323

Eugene Education Association - EEA

Prepared by Jamie Myers • 541-790-7682 • myers_j@4j.lane.edu • December 18, 2020 • Issue Number 323


Monica Vanderbush, EEA member, 4J second grade teacher, and yoga instructor, shared her relaxation routine:

“Here are some things I personally enjoy doing in the evenings after a long day of CDL.

If I have time I will do a restorative yoga or yin yoga class. They are a little different, but both involve deep breathing, slowing down, and quieting the mind. Sometimes I follow along a video, but I often just do my own thing, too. I try for at least 15 minutes, but the more the better! I’ll put on some nice calming music, and if my house is noisy, I’ll put on my noise cancelling headphones and listen to my music or video that way.

If I don’t have time for that, I’ll relax right before bed. Usually this involves some gentle stretches in bed, writing in my journal, and a meditation for sleep or yoga Nidra video. I find that the video helps me stay focused and keeps me from just falling asleep immediately. Yoda Nidra prepares the brain for sleep by helping it enter a sleep-like state, as well as triggers the body to enter a state of relaxation. This can help you get a better night’s rest vs. falling asleep in a non-relaxed state.

Sometimes I’ll give myself a gentle foot massage or use a gua sha tool to work some kinks out of my neck and shoulders.

Overall, my main goal with my evening wind-down is to just slow down and do something to nourish my body and mind. I really try to limit any new stimulation so I can just focus on myself. This routine helps me reset and helps me remember what I feel like when I am relaxed and taken care of. This helps me wake up the next day and feel like I have something to give to my students.

Everyone has a different idea of what is relaxing to them – perhaps reading a good book, drinking tea, a bath, etc. I think the goal here is to do less, and help the body get back to homeostasis through relaxation.”

What helps you unwind at the end of the day? If you would like to share your routine with your colleagues, send it to myers_j@4j.lane.edu. The collective knowledge in our Zoom Room is vast! Thanks to Monica for sharing how she winds down each night.


The 4J Wellness Clinic will be closed during part of winter break: December 24, 2020 – January 1, 2021. Please plan ahead if you will need prescription refills during that period. If you have an urgent medical need arise during the clinic closure, please seek care at an urgent care or other primary care clinic. And, of course, if it is a medical emergency please call 9-1-1.

Regular clinic hours will resume January 4, 2021.

Call 541-686-1427 to schedule appointments.

Clinic Hours: Mon. – Fri. from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. The Clinic is closed daily from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.


Plans are in motion to create walking groups coordinated by region, and I would love to get a list going of potential walkers!

If you are interested in being connected with a walking group, please contact Jamie Myers at 541-790-7682 or myers_j@4j.lane.edu.


The 4J Joint Benefits Committee, in partnership with Reliant Behavioral Health, is offering a series of free seminars to 4J employees & retirees throughout the 2020-21 school year.

Our next seminar is How to Have Difficult & Sensitive Conversations. This seminar will discuss how to be strategic in our most sensitive conversations. We’ll work to better understand and articulate our own motivations.  And we’ll endeavor to increase our empathy and awareness towards others. Whether it’s asking your principal to excuse you from the Zoom staff meeting, telling a parent their child is struggling in your class, or declining an invitation to protect your health, you can improve your confidence, clarity and kindness.

The class will take place:

  • Tuesday, January 19, 2021
  • 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
  • Via Zoom Meeting

 To register, please contact Jamie Myers by Monday, January 18th: myers_j@4j.lane.edu or 541-790-7682.

Looking ahead, February’s seminar will be:

Jumpstart to A Healthier You

February 16, 2021 • 5:00 p.m.

MODA 360

This fall, Moda Health introduced a new program called Moda 360. As a part of this program, Moda put together a team of highly experienced and compassionate people called health navigators. When you call the Moda Health number on the back of your insurance card, you are connected with a member of this dedicated team. Health navigators will answer your questions and help connect you with resources to support your wellness needs. Two excellent new resources are:

  • CirrusMD. This is an app you can use to connect with a doctor via text message 24/7. Use CirrusMD for:
    • Coughs, fevers, sore throats
    • Earaches, stomach pain, diarrhea
    • Rashes, allergic reactions
    • Back / abdominal pain
    • And much more!

Learn more at www.modahealth.com/cirrusmd.

  • Meru Health, an app that provides you with completely confidential therapy on your smartphone. It is part of a 12-week treatment program to help with depression, anxiety, and burnout. Your initial call will be billed at the same cost as an in-network virtual visit for mental health. After the first call, the program is available at zero cost to Moda Health members. Features include:
    • Wearable biofeedback training to increase focus and manage stress.
    • Mindfulness and behavioral techniques that can be practiced anytime, anywhere.
    • Confidential access to a personal, remote therapist via chat in the Meru App.

Learn more and sign up at www.modahealth.com/meru.

The CirrusMD and Meru Health apps are available for download in the App Store and Google Play.


If you enrolled in the newly available Kaiser Permanente health plan for 2020-2021, here are a few helpful hints.

  • You are still able to use the 4J Wellness Clinic.
  • The new member welcome number is 888-491-1124. Call this number before you use your Kaiser insurance for the first time to make a smooth transition to KP.
  • The main Kaiser Permanente phone number is 800-813-2000.
  • To utilize mail-order prescriptions, first call 800-548-9809 to get your account set up. This is also the number to call if there is a delay in receiving your prescription by mail.


Like you, I will be away from the office for winter break, December 21, 2020 – January 1, 2021. If you need benefits assistance during that time, please email hr_benefits@4j.lane.edu or call 541-790-7670. I will be back in my office, ready to help you, on January 4, 2021.

I hope you all find time to relax and re-connect with family and friends (virtually!), and return to work rested and ready for 2021! Happy Holidays!

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