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Progressing in Workforce Diversity

District demographics make progress; more growth still needed

Eugene School District 4J is making strides to increase the diversity of our workforce.

A diverse school staff helps to create an inclusive learning environment for our diverse student body. As our student demographics change, it is important for our teachers and administrators — key role models for our students — to also reflect the diversity of our community.

4J’s administrator team is exceptional among Oregon school districts for its diversity compared with student enrollment: At the start of the 2019–20 school year, 30% of all 4J administrators and 39% of school principals are administrators of color, while the district’s  student enrollment comprises 31% students of color.

4J’s teacher workforce also has made gains in diversity and is one of the most racially diverse (14% teachers of color) and proportional (45% as diverse as the student body) teacher workforces in Oregon. Among Oregon school districts of size, with more than 10,000 students, 4J’s teacher workforce is second only to Portland in both measures.

Still, like all Oregon school districts, 4J still has significant growth needed for our staff to reflect the diversity of our student body.

The district is undertaking a number of plans, strategies and tactics to recruit and retain staff reflecting the diversity of 4J’s student population to increase the diversity of the district’s workforce over the next five years.

Student and teacher diversity in large Oregon school districts

Proportionality of student and teacher diversity in large Oregon school districts


Teacher Workforce Diversity Overview (school board work session Sept. 18, 2019)

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