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Special Education Parent Symposium Tue., June 4

4J’s district improvement plan and special education

Parents and guardians of students receiving special education services are invited to a bimonthly series of events to learn more about 4J services, share your thoughts, and meet, network and collaborate with other families, 4J staff and community members.

The final symposium of the year, on Tuesday, June 4, 6–7 p.m., will explore the district’s improvement plan and engage participants in providing input about which goals, objectives and tactics are the most important to address the needs of our special education students.

An overview of the 2019 Extended School Year summer program for selected students in special education also will be provided.

Special Education Parent Symposium 
Tuesday, June 4, 6–7 p.m.
4J Education Center
200 N. Monroe St., Eugene

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