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4J Schools Closed Wed., May 8

School day canceled May 8 due to staffing shortages from planned teacher walkout

Frequently Asked Questions

Eugene School District 4J schools will be closed on Wednesday, May 8, due to a planned teacher walkout strike.

The Oregon Education Association has called for teachers to make May 8 a “Day of Action” to advocate for increased state investment in public education. Teachers’ unions in Eugene and in several other Oregon school districts are planning a one-day teacher walkout strike on May 8.

The district has determined that teacher absences and substitute shortages will exceed our ability to provide safe and adequate supervision for our students, and we must cancel the school day on May 8.

Eugene School District 4J shares the goal of improving school funding in Oregon to provide smaller class sizes, more learning time, increased health and safety services, and a well-rounded education. However, the district does not endorse or condone walkout strikes or any activity that disrupts student learning.

We know that this change will be challenging for our families, and we apologize for the disruption. We hope that knowing about the school closure well in advance will help families plan for childcare and other arrangements.

The Eugene School District’s plans for May 8 include:

  • Free school lunch will be provided at selected school sites, two in each region.
  • Student transportation services will continue to non-4J programs that are open on this day.
  • Scheduled AP and IB tests will continue as planned.
  • Athletic contests will continue as planned. Practices may take place on a voluntary basis; check with your coach.
  • Overnight Outdoor School trips will continue as scheduled; daytime Outdoor School will be rescheduled.
  • Some local organizations will offer childcare services on May 8 as they do on regularly scheduled no-school days.

The missed school day will be an unpaid day for teachers and will not be made up at the end of the year. Make-up snow days have already extended the school year and many families have already changed summer plans due to those added days.

The needs of our students are at the forefront in considering these decisions.

For more detailed information about these plans, see:
May 8 School Closure: Frequently Asked Questions

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