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Classified Benefits & Wellness Newsletter March 2019 Issue #5

Published by:

Arthur Hart, Classified Benefits Coordinator

Phone: 541-790-7679 e-mail: hart_a@4j.lane.edu


Self-Care: Tools to Build Resilience

The 4J Joint Benefits Committee, in partnership with Cascade Health, is offering a free Self-Care: Tools to Build Resilience wellness class to 4J employees. The class will take place:
     Tuesday, March 12, 2019
     5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
     Education Center Auditorium

Do you know that making yourself a priority is not selfish but actually a requirement for healthy living? Building a strong foundation of self-care will help you handle whatever life throws your way. Come to this workshop to:
• Learn what self-care is and what self-care is not
• Discover the benefits of a commitment to self-care and the consequences of not making this a priority
• Create a personalized self-care plan that you can implement immediately

To sign up, please respond by Friday, March 8th to Arthur Hart: hart_a@4j.lane.edu or 541-790-7679


Are You Ready To Retire?

Retirement is one of the biggest life events you’ll experience, and getting it right takes planning. There are many components for a successful retirement. PERS, Social Security, personal savings, health insurance, Medicare, and taxes are some of the things you will want to consider as you plan for the future.

Consulting a professional financial advisor specializing in retirement can make decisions easier for you at the time of retirement, and help you avoid costly mistakes. However, there is also plenty of good information on the internet for the plucky do-it-yourself type. However you chose to proceed with retirement, it’s never too early to start preparing.

If you are looking to retire within the next year please contact me regarding the 4J Classified Staff retirement process and benefits. I will be glad to set up an informational meeting with you.

Arthur Hart: hart_a@4j.lane.edu or 541-790-7679

4J does not give PERS advice. To get advice regarding your PERS retirement, you can visit the PERS website at www.oregon.gov/PERS/ or call them at 1-888-320-7377


The New E-Newsletter

The Classified Benefits & Wellness Newsletter has moved away from the mass paper copy distribution, and instead will be distributing just a few paper copies for each of the worksite break areas. The Newsletter will be primarily distributed digitally to all Classified Staff Zimbra email, and published on the 4J website.

For those who are having difficulty accessing your district email you can receive email assistance from the Technology Help Desk at 541-790-7777. Also, online email help at http://www.4j.lane.edu/technology/zimbra/ is available.

Don’t have a computer at home? Talk to your supervisor about using a district computer to check your email. The district email can also be accessed from most smart phones and tablets.

Are you already reading this publication electronically? Try clicking the Blue Words, and see where they will take you.


Community Wellness Spotlight

There are many wellness programs available, but often success is more about our community than it is about a program. Taking a group walk at break, sharing healthy lunches, or even just checking in with each other can all be important parts to developing a healthier work community. I want to hear what your work site is doing to promote healthier lifestyles. Send me an email. -Art

In Transportation The Journeyers are traveling together down the road of healthier living. Started this January, the group of about 20 participants has already walked away from a combined 47.7 pounds.

The Journeyers acknowledge that driving school buses for 7 to 8 hours a day is hard on the body and the sedentary nature of the work is not good on the waistline, back, or bottom. To combat this, they have developed buy-ins and incentives to help each member achieve personal goals. A team commitment to exercise has helped overcome the dreary Oregon winter, to get people out and walking. Soon, with the opening of a nearby gym, many members hope to be not just driving steel, but pumping iron together.


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit”.
– Aristotle

New 4J Wellness Clinic FNP

Starting January 18th Jennifer L. Young FNP-C joined the Cascade team at our 4J Wellness Clinic. She has thirty-five years of experience as a Family Nurse Practitioner, fifteen of those in Emergency Department settings, and the past five years working in Primary Care with Lane County Public Health. She has worked with medical missions in Guatemala, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and last fall was able to participate in a refugee project in Southern Italy.

Relocated to Oregon ten years ago from Southern California, she enjoys hiking, gardening, and loves Oregon’s beautiful coast and rivers.

Jennifer has just completed her first month in the 4J Clinic and has appreciated the warm welcome. She looks forward to meeting many of you and working together to meet your healthcare goals.


Are Your Vaccines Up To Date?

Each year, tens of thousands of Americans die of diseases that could have been prevented by vaccines—and most of those fatalities occur in the very young and in older adults. The immune system weakens as we age, making recovery from illness difficult, which is why vaccines are so important for older adults. Flu and pneumonia vaccinations are especially vital because those infections are leading causes of death among older Americans.

The vaccination recommendations below are from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and they apply to healthy older adults. If you have one or more chronic conditions or an illness, your doctor may recommend a different vaccination schedule tailored to your health needs. Your doctor will also factor in your age, lifestyle, job, and travel itinerary; past vaccinations; and childhood disease history.

Vaccinations, who should get them and how often:
• Influenza (flu) -Everyone ages 6 months and older; once a year at the start of the flu season (early fall, winter).
• Pneumonia (pneumococcal polysaccharide) -Two types of pneumococcal vaccine are available. Everyone ages 65 and older should get both one dose of PCV13 and at least one dose of PCV23. Adults 19-64 should receive the vaccine depending on their health.
• Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Td/Tdap) -If you were never vaccinated against these diseases, get one dose of Tdap. All adults ages 19 and older should receive a Td booster every 10 years. Women should get one dose during every pregnancy.
• Herpes zoster (shingles) -Two types of zoster vaccine are available. You should get two doses of recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV) at age 50 or older (preferred) or one dose of zoster vaccine live (ZVL) at age 60 or older, even if you had shingles before. People with a weakened immune system should not get ZVL.
• Varicella (chickenpox) -Anyone who has never had chickenpox; two doses during your lifetime.
• Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) -For adults born in 1957 or later who have not had these childhood diseases; one to two doses per lifetime. People born before 1957 are likely to have immunity from the measles.
• Hepatitis A -Anyone at risk if they’ve never been vaccinated, such as travelers to regions where hepatitis A is common; two doses per lifetime.
• Hepatitis B -Anyone at risk if they’ve never been vaccinated, such as travelers to high-risk areas, adults with multiple sex partners, partners of infected people, healthcare workers; three doses per lifetime. A combination hep A and B vaccine is available.
• Meningococcal -For some overseas travelers and certain other at-risk groups. Two types of meningococcal are available; you may need one or both depending on your health; one or more doses per lifetime.
• Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) -Anyone with certain medical conditions, including persons who don’t have a spleen, have sickle cell disease or HIV, or have had a bone marrow transplant.

Moda Vaccine Coverage
• Vaccines can be obtained at select network pharmacies through your Moda Health pharmacy benefit. There is no copay to receive covered vaccines through an in-network pharmacy.

Kaiser Vaccine Coverage
• Vaccines can be obtained at the Kaiser medical office on 13th on a walk-in basis. For those who have a primary care doctor at Peace Health, you can get your vaccines at Peace Health as well. There is no copay to receive covered vaccines through the Kaiser or PCP Peace Health clinics.

Vaccinations are not recommended for everyone.
Because of age, health conditions, or other factors, some people should not get certain vaccines or should wait before getting them. Please discuss any concerns with your primary care physician.

“Imagine the action of a vaccine not just in terms of how it affects a single body, but also in terms of how it affects the collective body of a community.”
— Eula Biss

This newsletter is reviewed and edited each month by the District 4J and OSEA representatives of the Classified Joint Benefits Committee (JBC).The information in this newsletter is summarized, and is not intended as advice or counsel.

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