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School Bond Measure on November 6 Ballot

Bond measure would fund improvements for every 4J school if approved by voters

Measure 20–297, the school bond measure on the November 6 ballot, would repair schools, improve security, update technology and learning materials, support career education, address overcrowding and replace three aging school buildings.

Bond Information Sheet (English / Español)

If the bond measure passes, it would:

  • Fund improvements at all Eugene School District 4J schools
  • Replace aging buildings that are worn and have high energy and maintenance costs
  • Make repairs and updates to schools that are more than 50 years old
  • Reduce operating costs through improved energy efficiency
  • Provide better learning environments for students
  • Support effective teaching and learning with updated classroom materials
  • Improve student safety, security and equity across the district

What would the bond measure fund? 

If the bond measure is passed, it would pay to:

Support teaching and learning for every student
Boost career technical education at high schools
Provide current technology for 21st century classrooms and schools
Update learning materials such as language arts and social studies

Improve student safety and make schools more secure
Control access to schools with secure entryways and other safety improvements
Construct new schools to withstand earthquakes and support disaster recovery
Replace oldest school buses and improve safe walk and bike routes to school

Make schools more healthy, accessible and equitable
Provide equitable athletic facilities for girls and boys
Improve accessibility for people with disabilities
Replace old pipes to reduce lead
Upgrade kitchen facilities to improve school food service
Enhance special education facilities and equipment

Add capacity and relieve school overcrowding
Complete planned expansion of Gilham Elementary School
Provide more capacity at new elementary schools
Renovate space to relocate growing programs

Replace three school buildings
North Eugene High School (1957)
Edison Elementary School (1926)
Camas Ridge Elementary School (1949)

Maintain and repair schools
Repair and replace roofs and building systems
Make school repairs and improvements
Improve energy efficiency

Could bond money pay for teachers instead of buildings and books?

No. By law, when voters pass a capital bond measure, the money may only be spent on capital improvements such as facilities, equipment, curriculum and technology. Bond money may not pay for teachers and school programs. However, when capital costs are paid for with bond dollars, more of the general fund can go to teaching and learning.

Why is the bond measure on the ballot now?

  • State school funding does not provide for renovating or building schools. Under Oregon’s tax law limitations, communities have only two options for local school funding: Bonds for capital improvements such as buildings, and local option levies for operating costs.
  • 4J schools are aging. Most were built from 1945 to 1968. Some are even older. The bond would replace three school buildings and make repairs and improvements to other aging facilities.
  • A capital needs assessment identified more than $1 billion in capital improvements in the district. The bond measure is targeted to fund a selected portion of these improvements for school facilities and student learning.
  • The tax rate for existing bonds will decrease next year.
  • Interest rates are low now, so bonds that are issued have lower total costs to taxpayers.
  • The district has been granted $8 million in state matching funds that would be received only if the bond measure passes.

What would it cost?

If the bond measure is approved by voters, it would provide $319.3 million for school improvements. Property tax rates would increase by about $0.66 per $1,000 of assessed value, to a rate of $2.25 per $1,000 assessed value for Eugene School District bond debt. Property taxes would increase by about $11 a month or $135 a year for the median homeowner in the district, with an assessed property value of $204,000. The bonds would be issued in more than one series and would mature over no more than 21 years from each issuance.

What would happen if the bond does not pass?

If the bond measure is not approved by voters, the property tax increase would not occur and the bond tax rate would decrease by about $0.20 to $1.39 per $1,000 assessed value next year. The district would not receive the proposed bond funds or the $8 million in committed state matching funds to pay for school improvements. Without bond funds, money for repairs and maintenance would come out of the budget for classroom education. The district would not be able to replace and modernize school buildings, improve security at all schools, update learning materials, or complete other major capital improvements.

How to vote in the November election?

All registered voters who live in Eugene School District 4J are eligible to vote on the bond measure. You must be registered to vote by October 16. Ballots will be mailed to voters beginning October 17. Completed ballots must be returned to the county elections office or a ballot drop box by 8 p.m. on Tuesday, November 6. To register to vote or find a ballot drop box, visit www.lanecounty.org/elections.

This information was reviewed by the Oregon Secretary of State’s Office for compliance with ORS 260.432.
SH 18-107

Bond Information Sheet (English / Español)
More about the bond measure

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