Standard school schedules will be decided this spring, implemented next fall
Second Schedule Draft
Community Input Survey
Community Forum on May 9, 5:30–6:30 p.m.
To provide enough, fair and equal instruction time for all students and consistent schedules for families, Eugene School District 4J is changing to a consistent calendar and standard schedules for all schools in 2018–19. Currently each 4J school has a different calendar and schedule and different amount of instruction time.
A first draft schedule was published in March for staff, parent, student and community input. The district has taken the input received and developed a second draft schedule for further review and feedback.
Please take a few minutes to review the second schedule draft and share your feedback. Your input is important. A community input survey is open through Wednesday, May 9. A community forum on school schedules also will be held Wednesday, May 9, 5:30 p.m., at the 4J Education Center, 200 N. Monroe St.
The second schedule draft responds to staff, student and parent input with a shorter early release on Wednesdays, earlier start and end times for high school, slightly earlier times for middle school, and as many elementary school start times as possible closer to their current times.
Elementary schools would have 60 minutes of recess and lunch to schedule within the regular school day—a little more time than currently provided at most schools and grades. Middle and high schools also would schedule about 60 minutes of lunch, breaks and passing periods during the school day.
The change to standard schedules will:
• ensure that all schools meet state standards for adequate instructional time
• provide fair and equal learning time at different schools and increase learning time for most students
• provide consistent, predictable schedules for families, and
• allow coordinated time for staff professional development and collaboration.
The final school schedules will be decided and communicated to families before the end of the school year.