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4J Benefits and Wellness Newsletter – November 2017 – Issue 299

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Prepared by Julie Wenzl • 541-790-7682 • wenzl@4j.lane.edu • November 6, 2017 • Issue Number 299


Need a reason to celebrate a Monday? If you spent the last week keeping up with your fitness routine, then you’ve earned the right to celebrate on Monday! Sticking to a workout regimen is no easy task, especially when daily life can get very busy. If you’ve been able to achieve any of your fitness goals, like losing weight or increasing the time you spend working out, there are ways to reward yourself that won’t sabotage your progress. A reward can also motivate you to keep pushing yourself towards next Monday’s reward!

One of the first rewards to come to mind after a tough week of fitness might be food, and that’s fine – as long as you keep it healthy.  But there are several other ways you can treat yourself for a job well done.  Treat yourself to a massage or a day trip. Spend an hour away from your phone or computer. Go out to a movie or museum. Visit a library or a bookstore by yourself. Plan a night out with your friends. Download a new fitness app for your phone or download some new workout music. If you want to do something physical, make it something that’s fun. Go rock climbing, skating, or walking around a park. Whatever you choose, do something that makes you feel good and maintains the spirit of the healthy lifestyle changes you’re making.

You can also do something that’s more long-term and create a rewards system.  Rather than use Monday to give yourself a small reward, use Monday to build towards a bigger reward. For every short-term goal achieved, give yourself points that can add up to something you’ve been wanting for a while. Have you been saving up for new tech, a vacation, or luxury item? Earn it! Work harder to accumulate more points towards your reward.

By giving yourself something to work for that is more than just a fitness goal you can give yourself a great reason to get a little competitive with yourself. Don’t just work out – win every Monday!


You are invited to attend a 403(b) Tax Sheltered Annuity (TSA) Vendor Fair. This drop-in style format event will be a great opportunity to gather information on tax deferred retirement savings plans. This event will take place in the Ed Center Auditorium between 3:30 and 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 14, 2017.

There will be experts on hand from many of the vendors who work with 4J employees, all together in one place. If you have been meaning to start your TSA, now is the time. If you already have a TSA going and have questions, this is a great opportunity to connect directly with your vendor.

All 4J licensed employees are eligible to set up an account under the 403(b) Plan with any vendor who is on the District list of approved vendors: http://www.ncompliance.com/guest_employervendors.aspx?EmployerID=12

4J Retirement Plan A eligible employees (hired into a licensed position before July 1, 1998 and continuously a bargaining unit member) do not receive a TSA contribution from 4J.

4J Retirement Plan B eligible employees (hired into a licensed position on or after July 1, 1998) are eligible to receive a TSA contribution from 4J:

  • First year of eligibility – $50 / month
  • Third year of eligibility – $75 / month
  • Sixth year of eligibility – $100 / month
  • Tenth year of eligibility – $150 / month
  • Thirteenth year of eligibility – $175 / month


Please note that our vision coverage is now offered through VSP, and we no longer use Moda as our vision carrier. To take advantage of your VSP Choice Plus Plan vision coverage, let your provider know that you are enrolled with VSP and they will do the rest – no card needed. To search for a participating provider, or to find out more about your benefits, visit VSP.com and create an account using your OEBB E-number or social security number.

OEBB will no longer apply the 12-month waiting period restrictions for members who waived vision coverage at initial eligibility. Members who enrolled in vision benefits during open enrollment are now eligible for full vision benefits, regardless of prior vision enrollment or eligibility.

Don’t need prescription glasses? The VSP plan offers the Suncare benefit. With a $20 copay, members can receive a $300 allowance for ready-made non-prescription sunglasses instead of prescription glasses or contacts. The Suncare benefit is available every 12 months. Just tell your VSP Choice Network provider you want to use your Suncare benefit.


On October 19, 2017, 4J hosted the Lane Bloodworks bloodmobile for a blood drive. 17 donors registered to donate, and Lane Bloodworks was able to collect 13 units of blood, which can save as many as 39 lives. Of the registered donors, 6 were first time donors!

To learn more about the blood needs in our community and the donation process, please visit: http://lanebloodcenter.org/.


If you missed the 4J flu shot clinics and have OEBB/Moda insurance, you can receive a flu shot at a network pharmacy – no copayment necessary.

Call ahead of time to make sure the pharmacy has the vaccine you need. Show your Moda Health ID card to the pharmacist for billing before receiving a vaccine – otherwise it may not be covered.

The following participating chain pharmacies provide vaccines: Rite Aid, Fred Meyer, Albertson Savon, Safeway, Target, and Bi-Mart.

For a complete list of network pharmacies or if you have questions, call Moda Health Pharmacy Customer Service at 8669230411.


If you are considering retirement sometime during or at the end of the school year, please make sure you are aware of the requirements and timelines. There are two steps you’ll need to take to complete your retirement:

  1. Contact PERS to begin your Service Retirement process.
  2. Contact Julie Wenzl (541-790-7682 or wenzl@4j.lane.edu) to learn about your 4J retirement benefits and complete your 4J retirement paperwork.

To get advice regarding your PERS retirement, you’ll need to work with your financial planner or directly with PERS. 4J does not give PERS advice. The phone number for PERS is 888-320-7377 and the website is http://oregon.gov/PERS/. You can find a great deal of information on the PERS website, and can download forms and sign up for education sessions as well.

Article 4.9 of our contract specifies that you must give the District at least 60 days notice of your intention to retire:

The District will provide two supplemental retirement plans for eligible unit members. A unit member hired and employed as a bargaining unit member prior to July 1, 1998 and continuously a bargaining unit member until the date of retirement from District employment, is eligible for Supplemental Retirement Plan A. A bargaining unit member hired and employed on or after July 1, 1998, is eligible for Supplemental Retirement Plan B. A unit member who elects supplemental retirement must provide the District with at least sixty (60) days advance notice of retirement. Notice may be revoked or waived with District consent.

Article 4.9.1.b of our contract outlines an additional timeline requirement for plan A retirees:

By April 1st, unit members must give the District Human Resource Department a written commitment which specifies a retirement date if they intend to retire during the period from April 1st through November 15th. If unit members provide this commitment by April 1st, they shall be advanced two payments of the monthly supplemental retirement stipend in the first month following termination from the District. If unit members do not provide this commitment by April 1st and retire during the period from April 1st through November 15th, the unit members shall not be paid the monthly supplemental retirement stipend or the District insurance contribution during the first two months following retirement.

Regardless of participation in 4J retiree insurance, licensed employees must provide a 60-day written notice of intent to leave 4J employment as required by ORS 342.553 (1).


The 4J Wellness Clinic will be closed for Thanksgiving: November 23 – 24. Regular clinic hours are Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. The clinic is closed for lunch from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. The phone number for the clinic is 541-686-1427.


The information in this newsletter has been summarized. It is presented as information – not advice or counsel. In all instances, the benefits, conditions, and limitations as outlined in the 4J Master Contracts prevail over this representation. Please refer to your Benefits booklet or master contracts available at the District offices for additional information regarding your benefits plans.

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