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Modern Science: High Schools Get New Curriculum

Board adopted new science curriculum to roll out this year

Starting this fall, students in Eugene School District 4J high schools will benefit from a new, districtwide high school science curriculum. Before the adoption of the new curriculum, high schools across the district were relying on a variety of decades-old textbooks and materials to teach science.

The new high school science curriculum aligns with the state of Oregon’s recently updated learning standards for science (New Generation Science Standards / NGSS), which require a more systematic and collaborative approach to science teaching and learning.

The new learning materials will be implemented in all 4J high schools this year in Physical Science, Earth Science, Chemistry and Physics classes. Biology classes will have updated curriculum next school year.

One significant change is the addition of a new 10th grade course, Earth & Space Science. The new recommended science sequence includes two trimesters of Physical Science in 9th grade, and two trimesters of Biology and one trimester of Earth and Space Science in 10th grade, a total of 2.5 credits of rigorous content in grades 9 and 10. In grades 11 and 12, students may then select from a variety of science courses that match their interests, which may include AP or IB classes.

The school board approved the new high school science curriculum last spring after a two-year collaborative adoption process involving teachers across the district.

The high school science adoption follows the adoption of new science curriculum for elementary and middle schools, which was the first new science curriculum adoption in the district since 1997. The new science kits were implemented in elementary and middle schools last year (2016–17).

The acquisition of new science curriculum is made possible with funds from the bond measure approved by voters in 2013. Thank you!


About the curriculum and the adoption process

The district undertook an extensive and inclusive process to select these new science materials.

High school science teachers across the district piloted curriculum in Physical Science, Earth Science, Space Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics, and provided feedback to the science curriculum adoption team.

Parents, educators and community members were invited to learn about and give feedback on science curriculum options under consideration at a science curriculum adoption open house.

After the extensive review process, the science adoption team recommended and the school board approved the adoption in May 2017.

Course Publisher
Physical Science CPO Science
Biology Pearson Publishing
Earth Science Discovery Education
Chemistry Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Physics Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

For more information, see the presentation and other information about the adoption process and recommendation presented to the school board on April 19 and May 3, 2017.

K–8 Science Adoption 

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