Curriculum Open House—Nov. 1 & 3
Learn about curriculum adoption process, give feedback on open source options to update elementary math materials
2 + 2 = 4. That will never change. What has changed over time is how students learn math and what they’re expected to know and be able to do at each grade level.
The district will soon adopt new math curriculum for grades K–5 to close the gap, choosing from open source materials that are freely available online.
Elementary school math curriculum in Eugene School District 4J needs to keep up with Oregon’s learning standards for math. Currently elementary schools use Investigations math curriculum, but this curriculum has significant gaps in its alignment to the Common Core State Standards which have been adopted as Oregon’s math standards.
The school board initiated the elementary math open educational resource (OER)* curriculum adoption process in May 2016. The adoption team established criteria, reviewed a wide variety of available resources, and narrowed to two curricula to pilot: LearnZillion and EngageNY.
4J teachers across the district have piloted both LearnZillion and EngageNY curricula, trying them out with students in the classroom. Now parents, educators and community members are invited to learn about and give feedback on the options.
A drop-in curriculum open house on Tuesday, Nov. 1, and Thursday, Nov. 3, 4–6 p.m., will present information about the two curriculum options for review and feedback. The open house will be at the 4J Education Center, 200 N. Monroe St. in Eugene.
Visitors will see displays on the adoption process, the curricula that have been evaluated, video of the curricula being piloted in 4J classrooms, sample activities and student products. Pilot teachers and other members of the district adoption team will be at the open house to answer questions about the open source curriculum options and the adoption process. Participants will be asked to take a short survey to provide their feedback.
Feedback gathered at the open house will be considered in the next steps of the adoption process. A curriculum adoption recommendation will be presented to the school board for a decision this winter.
WHAT: Open House for Curriculum Review: New Math Materials for Grades K–5
WHEN: Tuesday, Nov. 1, and Thursday, Nov. 3, 4–6 p.m. (drop-in)
WHERE: 4J Education Center, 200 N. Monroe St., Eugene
* Open educational resources are freely accessible, openly licensed documents and media that are useful for teaching, learning and assessing. The U.S. Department of Education has encouraged states, school districts and educators to use openly licensed educational materials.