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Farewell to Howard Building

New school building will open in the fall

Calling all Howard Roadrunners, past and present! Please join the Howard community and friends in remembering nearly 70 years in the original Howard school building.

Farewell Celebration
Howard Elementary School, 700 Howard Ave.
Wednesday, May 25, 5:30–7:00 p.m.

The original Howard Elementary School was built in 1949 and has housed generations of students and teachers. This school year is the end of its service.

The school will soon move next door into a new high-quality modern school building, thanks to voters who approved the 2013 school improvement bond measure. The community will be invited to a grand opening event before the new building opens this fall.

To honor the history of the old building before students and staff move into the new one, Howard Elementary School is inviting current and past students, families, staff and neighbors to say goodbye to their old schoolhouse. Everyone with a connection to Howard is invited to come together for a farewell celebration on May 25.

Please join the celebration!
Share memories • Snap selfies • See friends and teachers
Open the time capsule • Walk through the old building one last time!

Wednesday, May 25, 5:30–7:00 p.m.
Memorabilia Display in Cafeteria
5:45 Welcoming Remarks
5:55 Tour of Old Building
6:25 Opening of Time Capsule
6:40 Unguided Tour of Old Building

Questions? Please call 541-790-4900.

RSVP and invite friends

Howard’s new building  


About the school bond measure

In May 2013, voters in Eugene School District 4J resoundingly passed a $170 million school bond measure to provide funding for 4J school improvements, including replacing four of the district’s oldest school buildings with new buildings at the same sites. The bond measure also is paying for improvements at every 4J school, including new student technology, updated instructional materials, security upgrades, building repairs, and more.

The new Howard Elementary School and Roosevelt Middle School will open in fall 2016. The new River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School and Arts & Technology Academy (at the site of the former Jefferson Middle School building) are beginning construction this spring and will open in fall 2017. Sustainable building concepts that conserve energy and maximize the wise use of resources are incorporated into every new school building.


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