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4J Vision 20/20: Community Input Sought

Weigh in on strengths, challenges, priorities
Survey extended through Sunday, April 3

Complete the survey  |  Encuesta en español 

Eugene School District 4J is looking to the future with 4J Vision 20/20, a strategic visioning and planning process to develop a roadmap for the next few years.

4J Vision 20/20 will develop a 3- to 5-year guiding plan for Eugene School District 4J. The plan will reflect what our community wants our school system to look like and where the district’s limited resources should be targeted to best support student success.

The first step of the 4J Vision 20/20 collaborative community process is inviting community input on the strengths, challenges and priorities for the future of our community’s public schools. An online survey is open March 14–April 3. Community meetings will be held on March 30 in English and on March 31 in Spanish.

Next, a Visioning Committee composed of community stakeholders—parents, teachers, education administrators, business leaders, and other community members—will engage to develop a vision and plan for the school district. The community will be provided with updates and opportunities to provide feedback throughout the planning process this spring.

The resulting district vision and plan will be presented to the school board and the public in fall 2016.

Community Input Survey
available online and on paper
in English and Spanish

March 14–April 3, 2016 (closing date extended)

Community Input Forums
in English: Wednesday, March 30, 7 p.m.
in Spanish: Thursday, March 31, 7 p.m.
Chávez Elementary School, 1510 W. 14th Ave.


Complete the survey  |  Encuesta en español 

Learn more about the 4J Vision 20/20 strategic planning process 


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