Common schedule evaluation includes survey input
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Eugene School District 4J is evaluating its high school schedule, and you’re invited to weigh in. Students, parents, staff and community members are invited to share experiences and opinions about 4J’s common schedule for high schools. An online survey is open Feb. 22–March 7.
Four years ago, Eugene School District 4J moved to align all high schools to a common schedule, in order to support student learning and increase operational efficiency. The schedule selected after a staff work group and public input process was a trimester schedule with three 12-week terms per year and five 70-minute periods per day (often called the “3×5” schedule).
Now that the new schedule has been in place for a few years, it is time to review how well the schedule is working for students and whether any changes should be made to support student success.
The district and the Eugene Education Association are collaborating in an inclusive process to evaluate the schedule and its implementation and develop a recommendation. The evaluation process will include gathering input from stakeholders, reviewing the research on high school schedules, and evaluating district data on student outcomes.
The evaluation team’s final recommendation may be to continue with the schedule currently in place, to make adjustments to the current schedule or its implementation, or to implement a different common schedule for high schools.
The input provided in this community survey will be considered in evaluating the schedule. Please weigh in by March 7.