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Graduation Rates Continue to Climb in 2015

Grad rates rise at every high school, district outpaces state, achievement gaps narrow 

More students in Eugene School District 4J graduated on time than in recent years and more than their peers statewide, according to new information released by the Oregon Department of Education in January 2016.

4J’s graduation rates are up.

In 2014–15, the Eugene School District reported an on-time graduation rate of 74.2 percent, nearly 2½ percent higher than the previous school year, and ahead of the statewide average of 73.8 percent and the local Lane County average of 72 percent. This is the second consecutive year of rising graduation rates in 4J, reversing a downward trend that began in 2009.

Every 4J high school improved.

The graduation rate rose at every high school in the Eugene School District. The largest increases were seen at North Eugene High School, Churchill High School and Eugene Education Options.

Achievement gaps narrowed.

Graduation rates improved for all groups of students, and improved more for historically underserved student groups than for non-underserved groups, with the exception of students who are learning English, students who were ever English learners, and migrant students. Despite these successes, opportunity and achievement gaps remain, as they do across Oregon and the United States.

Our goal is to help all students succeed. We’re working to get there. 

Every increase in on-time graduation rates and other measures of high school completion means a real difference for students’ futures.

The increasing graduation rates reflect successful strategies including:

  • Providing more learning time by restoring close to a full school year, fully scheduling more high school students, and focusing on improving attendance.
  • Investing in quality teaching and updated curriculum at all school levels.
  • Expanding opportunities for students to stay on track for graduation, including the AVID college readiness program that helps students at all 4J middle and high schools build skills for high school and college success, and providing more students the chance to catch up after failing a class in a trimester.
  • Supporting opportunities for students to earn a diploma over more than four years, including the Early College and Career Options (ECCO) program and the 4J ACTS career technical education program.

We expect to see graduation rates continue to improve as a result of these and other efforts.

While there’s still a long way to go to reach goals on graduation rates, we’re proud of our 4J students and staff and their hard work to achieve these gains.

2015 on-time graduation rates in Eugene School District 4J 



2015 on-time grads Previous year rate Increase
(% points)
Eugene School District 4J 74.2% 71.8% + 2.4 points
Churchill High School 87.7% 82.7% + 5.0 points
North Eugene High School 78.3% 71.4% + 6.9 points
Sheldon High School 87.6% 85.4% + 2.2 points
South Eugene High School 90.8% 87.0% + 3.8 points
Eugene Education Options (alternative high school programs) 12.8% 7.6% + 5.2 points

The districtwide graduation rate also includes students in charter schools and alternative education providers:

Network Charter School 37.5% 34.3% + 3.2 points
Alternative Education Providers 6.8% 6.4% + 0.4 points


About the numbers

The on-time or “four-year cohort” graduation rate tracks students beginning in ninth grade and measures how many of those students graduate within four years. The rate is adjusted for students moving in or out of the district. The on-time graduation rate now includes students who receive modified diplomas and students who are eligible to graduate but continue in a fifth-year college-start program such as 4J ACTS; this change took effect with the 2014 graduation rates.

The on-time graduation rate does not include students who take an extra year to graduate or students who complete their high school education by alternate means such as an extended diploma or GED. These students’ successes are included in five-year graduation rates and four- and five-year high school completion rates.

Learn more

Graduation rates and requirements: www.4j.lane.edu/graduation

2015 graduation rates in Oregon schools: www.ode.state.or.us


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