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District 4J Committed to Providing Professional Development to Enrich the Classroom and the Success of Students

Teacher Leadership  –  A Commitment to Improving Instruction in Classrooms

Below are the Participation Requirements and Expectations for a Teacher Leader in District 4J.


Professional Development:  Studying Skillful Teaching: Using Data Day to Day.

Presented by:  Dr. Jon Saphier, Research For Better Teaching

Minimum Participation Requirements and Expectations:

  • Attend and complete a 6 session series of workshops including reading assignments and reporting on experiments in their teaching.
  • Commitment to share acquired skills and knowledge with others at the building or job-alike groups
  • Lead colleagues in the work
  • Initiate interactions with colleagues in their buildings that will strengthen the adult professional culture as per the elements presented by Dr. Saphier in his keynote address on 8/3/012. Initiatives may include hosting study groups on topics related to the teaching and learning knowledge base acquired through the course series; arranging peer observations; extending the Learning About Learning Network lead by Harriette Rasmussen; setting up lesson study episodes; giving mini-workshops at faculty meetings; partnering for action research; and many other possibilities;.
  • Actively solicit partnership and help from the principal for the initiatives listed above.

Time Commitment:

  • 6 8-hour PD sessions with Dr. Jon Saphier
  • Dates: September 20, 2012; October 25, 2012; December 6, 2012; January 10, 2013; February 7, 2013; March 7, 2013

Selection Criteria

  • Demonstrated commitment to student growth
  • Participation in leadership initiatives (building level or district-wide)
  • Model effective teaching/leadership practices
    • Concerned with students’ self-concept, their motivation and the effects of the quality of instruction.
    • Concerned with the development of character and civic responsibility and is collective responsibility for student learning.
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