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Employee Health and Wellness Newsletter – April 2012 – Issue 261

Eugene Education Association

2815 Coburg Road • Eugene, OR 97408 • Phone 541-345-0338


The District put out a request for proposals from potential Wellness Clinic providers on March 6th and responses were due March 30th.   The responses are currently being evaluated to determine which finalists will participate in interviews with the Joint Benefits Committees (JBCs).

The goal of the JBCs is to transition to a new provider by September 2012.  To facilitate this transition, the Clinic will close on June 29, 2012 and remain closed through July and August.

Please remember to be kind and courteous to the current Clinic staff while they continue to provide exceptional service and care for us.  This is a difficult transition for all involved.


The final drop-in cholesterol screening for the 2011-12 school year will occur Wednesday, May 2, 2012.  These quarterly drop-in cholesterol screenings at the 4J Wellness Clinic are done on a first come, first-served basis from 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. and are a fasting cholesterol blood draw.  Fasting means nothing to eat or drink but plain water for at least 10 – 12 hours.  Be sure to keep drinking water during your fast – blood draws can be difficult on patients who are dehydrated.

If you have questions about whether it is time to have your cholesterol screened, please consult your health care provider.  The following are recommendations for how often you may need to have your cholesterol checked:

  • Adults under 40 with no personal or family history of diabetes or heart disease should have their cholesterol checked every 5 years, beginning at age 20.
  • Adults over 40 with no personal or family history of diabetes or heart disease should have their cholesterol checked every one to three years.
  • Adults on cholesterol medication should have their cholesterol checked at least once annually – check with your health care provider to see if checking more often is recommended.
  • Adults with personal or family history of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and/or heart disease should have their cholesterol checked at least once annually – check with your health care provider to see if checking more often is recommended.


If you would like to run a search for an in-network ODS provider, start on the ODS webpage for OEBB members: http://www.odscompanies.com/oebb/.

From the homepage, click on the link that allows you to Search for a physician, dentist, pharmacy or clinic in the upper right corner of the page, under Find Care.

The Provider networks page allows you to refine your search or to nominate a provider who is not currently part of the ODS network.  If you are searching for a provider, click the link that describes your search.  When you get to the Search for a provider page, you will then click on the Find Care home page.  From that point, you can opt to Search as a member or Search as a guest.

If you have your card out when you start your search, it’s a good idea to enter your Subscriber ID to ensure that the providers you find are part of the network covering 4J employees, retirees, and their dependents.

The ODS website for OEBB members has a great deal of information, so if you have not yet visited it, I would encourage you to do so.  The site has plan summaries and plan books, so if you want to find details about your plan, it’s a great place to start.  If you opt to set up a myODS account, you will be able to access information about your benefits and claims, including your Explanations of Benefits.  You can also order new or additional ID cards with just one click.


The language regarding what types of leaves are available to licensed employees can be found in articles 8 (Leaves of Absence With Pay) and 9 (Leaves of Absence Without Pay) of the EEA/4J Collective Bargaining Agreement.  Article 8.4.4 covers bereavement leave:  A unit member may be allowed up to five (5) days absence with full pay for each death in his/her immediate family.  For purposes of this article, “immediate family” shall mean the employee’s parents, in-laws, spouse/ domestic partner, children, stepchildren, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, stepbrothers, stepsisters, or a person with whom the employee has a similar relationship to any of the preceding immediate family members.

The absence must be arranged with the building administrator and approved by the Director of Human Resources.

In addition to the number of days absence allowed with full pay, a unit member may be granted up to five (5) days of absence for a death in his or her immediate family for which the unit member will receive a pay deduction of one-half of the individual’s daily salary.

You can find the full CBA on the EEA website: http://www.eugea.org/media/Contracts/2010-2013 EEA-4J CBA.pdf


If you are a licensed employee hired for this school year only and your hire date was before November 1, 2011, your insurance benefits will run through August.  If you will be taking a leave from 4J or will not be returning next school year (for reasons other than retirement), your final paycheck will be at the end of July.  If you currently have a monthly insurance premium withheld from your paycheck, please remember that you can make arrangements to have your August premium spread out over your May, June and July paychecks. This allows you to pay for your benefits with pre-tax dollars, and prevents you from having to take the financial hit all at once.

To make this arrangement, send an e-mail to the Employee Benefits Office (benefits@ 4j.lane.edu).  This e-mail must be sent by May 11, 2012 in order to meet the payroll deadline.  There is not a form to fill out, but you must express your wishes in writing to get this set up.

If you are retiring at the end of this school year, please refer to your copy of your Licensed Retirement Agreement, which has details about your retiree insurance elections and rates.

If you have any questions, please let me know.  You can reach me by phone (541-790-7682) or e-mail (wenzl@4j.lane.edu).


The 4J Administrative Rules implement board policies and federal, state or local laws or rules or represent an organizational directive from the Superintendent.  The purpose of the rules is to provide clear guidance to district staff, students and public in the interest of more effectively serving students and their families.

Administrative Rule E1550.01 – Limitations Regarding Animals – states:

No animals, including dogs or cats, shall be allowed in school buildings or grounds while school is in session unless specifically permitted by the Principal or administrator, and proof of appropriate and/or current rabies vaccination is provided. Animals are not allowed to be on District property for any other time frames or reasons.  This limitation applies to faculty, staff, and student pets as well as those of the public.

Animals granted permission to be in classrooms, buildings, or grounds will be allowed access only for a specified and appropriate educational purpose for the time necessary to achieve the educational goal.  When permission is granted to allow an animal into a classroom or building, the health and safety of students and staff must be given the highest consideration.

Animals are not to be kept in buildings during school vacations, breaks, or extended holidays.  Any exceptions must be obtained from the Principal or site administrator.

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