
Phone: (704) 260-5950


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Poston


Welcome HRES Cowboys! 

My Name Is Paige Poston and I Have the Honor of Teaching Your Child This Year. 

        Let Me First Start by Sharing some Information About Myself Professionally and Personally.  for the past 11.5 Years, I Have Worked in Cabarrus County Schools. I Have Taught Kindergarten for Many Years and Had the Opportunity to Teach a First/Second Grade Combo Class. That Is When I Fell in Love with First Grade! I Graduated from Uncc with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and My K-6 Teaching License. I Am Married to Mr. Poston and We Have a fur-baby Named Marley. I Look Forward to This Adventure and the Opportunity to Watch Your Child Grow.

Last Modified on August 24, 2022