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Exciting Achievements at the National Technology Student Association Competition

Students from Goodman Middle School and Gig Harbor High School as they traveled to Louisville, Kentucky, to compete in the National Technology Student Association (TSA) competition. These young innovators showcased their skills and knowledge in various disciplines, making an impression on the competition's attendees.

The talented trio from GMS, consisting of Mia C., Rachel C., and Mia G., proved their mettle in a wide range of categories. They participated in Flight, Prepared Speech, Promotional Marketing, Tech Bowl, Junior Solar Sprint Cars, Problem Solving, and Forensics. These dedicated students demonstrated their versatility and commitment, making their schools proud.

Impressively, all three students from GMS advanced to the semi-finals for their Junior Solar Sprint Car project. Mia C. excelled in Promotional Marketing, earning a well-deserved place in the Top 10. The team also stood out in the Tech Bowl, securing an impressive 4th place. Rachel C. shined in the Flight category, claiming an outstanding 2nd place.

GHHS was also well-represented at the TSA competition, with Kim B., Mickey C., Finn D., Emily B., Bella G., and Trevor G. participating in an array of challenging disciplines. These students showcased their abilities in Children's Story Writing, Forensics, Transportation Modeling, VR Visualization, Board Game Design, Structural Design, Tech Problem Solving, Dragster, Manufacturing Prototype, Tech Bowl, and Video Game Design. Their dedication and hard work were evident in every category.

Participating in state and national TSA competitions is made possible through the Peninsula School District Career and Technical Education program. These courses provide students with opportunities to explore and develop their talents, preparing them for future careers in various industries. The accomplishments of these students at the TSA competition underscore the value of such programs in fostering creativity, problem-solving abilities, and technical skills.

As we celebrate their achievements, let us also recognize the importance of supporting and encouraging students to explore their passions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. By nurturing their talents and providing them with opportunities to showcase their skills, we are paving the way for a future generation of innovators and problem solvers.

Congratulations once again to all the students who represented Goodman Middle School and Gig Harbor High School at the National TSA competition.


  • GHH
  • GMS
  • PSD