Emergency Routes
emergency Bus routes / INCLEMENT WEATHER
Buses may need to adjust where they pick up and drop off students to ensure travel happens only on roads designated as safe in the snow. These are called emergency routes. Please click below for a list of Emergency Bus Routes. Routes are listed by school below (in alphabetical order) and open as a PDF in route order number.
- Artondale Elementary
- Discovery Elementary
- Evergreen Elementary
- Gig Harbor High School
- Goodman Middle School
- Harbor Heights Elementary
- Harbor Ridge Middle School
- Key Peninsula Middle School
- Kopachuck Middle School
- Minter Creek Elementary
- Peninsula High School
- Pioneer Elementary
- Purdy Elementary
- Swift Water Elementary
- Vaughn Elementary
- Voyager Elementary
Before winter weather starts, be sure to :
- Review emergency bus routes with your student.
- Always be 15 minutes early for pickups.
- Remember not to block bus loading/unloading zones.
- Know that school delays due to inclement weather do not automatically mean emergency routes will be used.
- Check local TV and radio stations and this website for delays.