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Meet Giulietta Smith!

22 years in education comes to a close

Giulietta Smith is a newly retired education professional with 22 years of experience in the field. From her first job that was split between Crest and Bailey Hill to her last job with Yujin Gakuen and Corridor Elementary Schools, Giulietta has had the pleasure of impacting the lives of many 4J students through her work. She will miss all her students and her wonderful colleagues that have worked with and beside through her years with the district. Most of all, she will dearly, deeply miss watching students becoming proficient and excelling at playing xylophones and recorders and singing in parts, and learning to love singing solos, and watching them growing up as they move through their grade levels. Her next big adventure will focus more on her family, her pets and her home. She hopes to get back to gardening, find more time for meditation and her spiritual journey, and to be helpful to others. Congratulations, Giulietta!

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