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Meet Deb Johnson!

23 years in education comes to a close

Deb Johnson is a newly retired education professional with 23 years of experience in the field. From her first job as a half-time regional nurse with many of our schools to her last job as the school nurse for North Eugene and the Eugene Education Opportunity Programs (ECCO, GED, RC and the Eugene Online Academies), Deb has had the pleasure of impacting the lives of many 4J students through her work. Deb will miss talking to, assisting, caring for, and learning from students and families who inspired her, brought her joy and opportunities to grow each day. She will equally miss her co-workers, administrators, and tech support team whose talents, knowledge, compassion, team focus, sense of humor, support and kindness made her feel gratitude and appreciation for being able to do school nursing in such wonderful environments. Her next big adventure is to be happy, healthy and relaxed. When things settle down, Deb will spend more fun time with her husband at family events, graduations, ballgames, school plays, etc. She is looking forward to putting more time into her interests, including hiking, hunting for fossils, artistic painting, reading history, and tending flowers and veggies. There are probably many road trips in her future throughout the US and Canada. Congratulations, Deb!

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