Home » News » 8. Why use Student Learning and Growth Objective (SLGO) SMART goals?

8. Why use Student Learning and Growth Objective (SLGO) SMART goals?

A:  SLGO SMART goals:

  • Reinforce evidence-based instructional practice: The goal process aligns with good instructional practice in which teachers/specialists set goals for their students and use data (formative and summative) to track student progress and modify instruction based on student needs.
  • Strategies are adaptable: Goals should be revised throughout the school year and strategies revised based on changes to curriculum, assessment, or student needs.
  • Engage all teachers/specialists in demonstrating impact on student growth and learning: The goal process allows teachers and specialists the opportunity to focus on the specific objectives they believe are important to achieve with the own students. Student growth or progress is assessed using the measures that are most relevant to students and content areas.
  • Help develop collaborative communities: When goals are developed by teams of teachers or specialists, the teams may include but are not limited to content area teachers, grade-level teachers/specialists. (ODE)

Posted in: Student Learning and Growth Objective (SLGO) & SMART Goals

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