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Administrative Rules Part F: Facilities

F1000 – Facilities and Sites

Last updated: Sep 17 2008 – 11:26am
The following administrative rules apply to Facilities and Sites.

F1100 – Building Capacities

Last updated: Sep 17 2008 – 11:25am
A program capacity has been established for every school in the district in accordance with a prescribed formula. The program capacity will be reviewed each year by the district’s Director of Facilities Management or designee in conjunction with the Superintendent or designee. It is the responsibility of the principals to keep the Director of Facilities Management or designee apprised of any program or building changes which affect the capacity of the school.Capacity figures will be used by the district administrative staff in making decisions relating to such matters as the location of special programs, boundary changes, and student transfers.

F1200 – Regulations Concerning School Grounds

Last updated: Sep 17 2008 – 11:25am
The district will implement board policy ECD re: Regulations Concerning School Grounds.

F1300 – Security

Last updated: Sep 17 2008 – 11:26am
The district will implement the following rule regarding Security.

F1310 – Electronic Security Systems

Last updated: Sep 17 2008 – 11:25am
Electronic security systems have been installed in all buildings. These systems provide a means to discourage and detect unauthorized intrusion when the buildings are unoccupied. In order to maintain building security, it is the responsibility of all District employees to properly use the security systems, as described in procedures maintained by the Facilities Department.RELATED PROCEDURES
The security systems are designed so that specific doors in each area are wired as ‘delay doors’. Opening a ‘delay door’ initiates a timed delay period to allow the area’s security system to be disarmed (de-activated) by means of an electronic keypad without causing an alarm. If an alarm occurs, there will be audible annunciation (sirens) and an alarm report will be sent to a Central Monitoring Station where appropriate action will be taken. The District’s security guard service contractor will be dispatched unless the alarm is cancelled (disarmed) within a reasonable amount of time. There is no telephone number available to call in order to cancel an alarm.It is the responsibility of all District employees to properly use the security systems. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of the security system log to manually sign in and out of the area. The security system log is located at each “pinpad” (this is the electronic keypad that accepts pin numbers). The first person entering an area has the responsibility to disarm (de-activate) the system and the last person leaving the area has the responsibility to arm (activate) the system.

F1400 – Leasing of School Properties

Last updated: Sep 17 2008 – 11:25am

The district may lease to others vacant space or land. Prior to the decision that a property is to be leased, the district will first evaluate whether the property can be put to other school district uses. Long-term leases of more than three years will be subject to the land use decision-making process by the school board (See Board Policy FB). The district should anticipate that there may be more than one proposal for use of a given facility. The district will consider proposals from the following potential users according to applicable zoning ordinances:

  • other tax-supported agencies
  • neighborhood and community groups
  • private, nonprofit groups
  • private or parochial schools
  • small businesses
  • clean, quiet industries
  • other appropriate users

F1410 – Criteria for Long-Term Lease Decisions

Last updated: Sep 17 2008 – 11:25am
  1. The district will retain ownership of the property to be leased.
  2. The maximum term of the lease will be ten (10) years unless the Board determines otherwise.
  3. The district will not expend or become obligated to expend any funds on buildings or building improvements to accommodate users unless such expenses are recovered within the terms of the lease agreement.
  4. The district will maintain all buildings and grounds on a regular basis unless provisions of the lease agreement specify otherwise. Where feasible, a portion of each site, and especially playground facilities, shall continue to be made available for community and neighborhood use.
  5. The impact on the neighborhood and community will be considered. Examples include traffic, parking, and compatibility with the neighborhood.
  6. There will be adequate services–including water, sewage, and drainage–to support the proposed use.
  7. Single use of a building is preferable to multiple use.
  8. Long-term use is preferable to short-term use.
  9. The lessee will be responsible for and bear expenses for applications for conditional use permits, building permits, and/or occupancy permits (as necessary). The lease agreement will not be final or binding until evidence has been furnished to the superintendent that the necessary permits have been obtained.
  10. Any modifications to the structure to meet the needs of the lessee shall be at the lessee’s expense, and subject to prior approval by the district. The lessee shall return the building to original condition upon vacating the building unless waiver of this requirement is approved by the superintendent or designee.

F1420 – Short-Term Leasing of District Property

Last updated: Aug 10 2011 – 3:25pm

When a school building or district property has been vacated, the district may lease the property to other users as zoning ordinances and school board policies permit. After considering potential district uses, the superintendent will publicly notify the community that the district seeks lessees for certain properties.

If a proposed lease is of more than three (3) years duration, the school board will make the decision, following board policies FB and DFDB.

If the proposed lease is of more than one (1) year but no more than three (3) years duration, the following administrative procedures will apply:

  1. Facilities Management will to advise the Superintendent or designee upon specific lease proposals.
  2. Facilities staff will review the proposed uses and will report to the superintendent whether each proposed use is permitted by the zoning ordinance, whether the use is fiscally advisable, and whether the use is compatible with the neighborhood. If more than one use is judged to be permissible, fiscally sound and compatible, the superintendent or designee may make nonbinding recommendations on the use.
  3. The district will retain ownership of the property to be leased.
  4. Options to renew may be written into the lease agreement at the discretion of the district. However, renewals which would extend over three years in duration will be subject to decision by the school board, according to policies FB and DFDB.
  5. The district will not expend or become obligated to expend any funds on buildings or property improvements to accommodate users unless such expenses are recovered within the terms of the lease agreement.
  6. The district will maintain all buildings and grounds on a regular basis unless provisions of the lease agreement specify otherwise. Where feasible, a portion of each site, and especially playground facilities, shall continue to be made available for community and neighborhood use.
  7. There will be adequate services–including water, sewage, and drainage–to support the proposed use.
  8. Single use of a building or property is preferable to multiple use.
  9. Long-term use is preferable to short-term use
  10. The lessee will be responsible for and bear expenses for applications for conditional use permits, building permits, and/or occupancy permits (as necessary). The lease agreement will not be final or binding until evidence has been furnished to the superintendent or designee that the necessary permits have been obtained.
  11. Any modifications to the structure or property to meet the needs of the lessee shall be at the lessee’s expense, shall be subject to prior approval by the district, and the lessee shall return the building to original condition upon vacating the building unless waiver of this requirement is approved by the superintendent or designee.

F9000 – Miscellaneous Provisions

Policy Category:

F Facilities

Position Responsible:

Director of Facilities Management

This Revision Edited by:

Jon Lauch


Facilities / Transportation 790-7400