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Administrative Rules Chapter K/L: Community Relations

K1000 – Community Use of Facilities

Last updated: Apr 17 2009 – 12:38pm

K1100 – Community Use

Last updated: Apr 17 2009 – 12:38pm
The district will follow procedures specified in http://www.4j.lane.edu/facilities/community_use.

K1200 – Youth Group Use

Last updated: Mar 6 2009 – 3:12pm
The district will follow procedures specified in http://www.4j.lane.edu/facilities/youthgroup_use.

K2000 – Written Materials

Last updated: Sep 17 2008 – 11:25am
The following administrative rules apply to Written Materials.

K2100 – Distribution or Display of Written Material

Last updated: Sep 17 2008 – 11:25am

Prohibited Content

See Board Policy KJA Distribution of Materials for prohibited content.

Display by Posting

All material to be displayed by posting shall contain upon it the name, mailing address, and telephone number of the sponsoring individual or group and the date upon which it was first posted.

Rules for Distribution of Newspapers and Other Materials

No material will be sent home with students except those related to school or district activities, unless approved by the principal. Other materials may be placed in a central location for interested students subject to the following provisions:

No substantial distribution of any newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, illustrations, or other printed, duplicated, or written material shall be made upon school premises by any person other than a teacher for school district purposes without first obtaining permission from the school principal or designee.
The principal or designee shall either accept or reject the proposed distribution within three school days after the proposal is submitted and mail or deliver notice to the person submitting the proposal. Failure to give such notice shall be deemed an acceptance of the proposed distribution. However, such acceptance by silence may be later disapproved and the material rejected upon further review.


Upon notice of rejection or removal, the individual or group proposing the distribution of materials or posting a display shall have the right to appeal the principal’s decision to the school district superintendent. Appeals shall be initiated by giving written notice of appeal to the superintendent and the principal within five days after receipt of notice or rejection or removal. No appeal may be started after that time. A written statement specifying the particular grounds for appeal must accompany the notice of appeal.

The superintendent or designee shall set a time and place for hearing the appeal and shall give notice of the hearing to the sponsoring individual or group and the principal at least two days prior to the scheduled hearing. The hearing shall occur no later than five days after receipt of a proper notice of appeal. The superintendent or designee shall conduct the hearing and the sponsoring individual or a member of the sponsoring group shall appear and the principal or designee may appear. Failure of the sponsoring individual or a member of the sponsoring group to appear at the hearing shall be grounds for dismissal of the appeal.

Within five days after the hearing the superintendent or designee shall give his or her decision to the principal and the sponsoring individual or group. The decision of the superintendent or designee shall be final.


K2200 – School Newsletters

Last updated: Oct 14 2008 – 3:56pm
School newsletters will contain no advertising for non-school-related activities unless, in the judgment of the principal, an advertisement for a nonprofit organization includes an important public service for students or parents. However, a newsletter may include a neighborhood “classified” section if the principal approves.

K3000 – Commendation and Criticism of Employees

Last updated: Jun 22 2010 – 3:52pm

Citizens are encouraged to share their concerns about the operation of schools, including violations of state standards, with teachers, administrators, and the board of directors.

Persons alleging the violation of a state standard that pertains to a criticism of an employee should follow the procedures outlined in School Board Policy KLD, Commendation and Criticism of Employees. Otherwise, a complaint should be submitted in writing to the superintendent, who will review the complaint and respond within 30 days.


K9000 – Miscellaneous Provisions

Last updated: Sep 17 2008 – 11:26am