2019 Capital Bond Archives
*The Peninsula School District passed a Capital Bond on February 12, 2019. Here is archived information from the bond information page.
Why does Peninsula need a Capital Bond?
To Make Space
The elementary student population has grown dramatically in the 26 years since the last elementary school was built, but our core learning spaces have not.
Bond Focus #1: Building two additional elementary schools immediately to address overcrowding.
Superintendent Jarvis has recommended two new schools be constructed, and two existing schools be totally replaced. Initial planning utilizes two school sites currently owned by the school district. The first at Harbor Hill Ave North is near the YMCA. The second site, known as the "Bujacich site" (pronounced bu-sich), is located west of Hwy 16 on Bujacich Rd NW, across from McCormick Forest Park Because the Bujacich property lies outside of the Urban Growth Boundary, it may become necessary to acquire an alternate site if regulations prove the site to be too costly or cause significant delay. That decision will be made by December 1, 2018.
"Elementary School #9" would be designed and built to open in the fall of 2021. Following voter approval of the capital bond, the planning would begin in March with architect selection, educational specifications, and finance preparation. Construction would commence during the early spring of 2020.
The addition of two new schools provides sixty new permanent classrooms beyond present capacity. In addition to creating capacity for growth, they will also relieve pressures currently felt by neighboring schools, especially impacting the overcrowded Discovery, Harbor Heights, and Purdy Elementary Schools. New and expanded Artondale and Evergreen schools would not only replace our oldest elementary schools, but also add seventeen additional classrooms. Collectively, the four schools add over fifty percent additional permanent classrooms for our elementary children.
The question has been asked regarding the future use of the sixty-six portables which can be released by the new construction. Depending on the growth over the next three years, some of the portables now in use at the elementary schools will be removed and become available for use at the secondary schools. Current projections predict continuing growth moving from elementary to secondary levels.
Schools for Peninsula's Children
"The overcrowding in the elementary schools is the No.1 issue. Right now, we are using 66 portables. For a school district like Peninsula, which is a terrific school system, to have that many unhoused students, is really unheard of."
DR. ART JARViS, Interim Superintendent, Peninsula School District
Increase Capacity
It's time to add, replace and expand schools to meet critical community needs. The current number of students in portables can fill two elementary schools.
Bond Focus #2: Replacing and expanding two elementary schools by replacing the current structures.
Replacement of Artondale and Evergreen Elementary Schools begins a cycle of modernizing and expanding our aged schools. The replacement of Artondale Elementary with a new building parallels the planning and construction for Elementary School #9. The second new school, "Elementary School #10" , would be opened one year later in 2022 along with the new Evergreen.
Artondale Elementary School
- Replaced on site
- Expand from 23 to 30 classrooms
- History of Artondale
Evergreen Elementary School
- Replaced on site
- Expand from 8 to 18 classrooms
- History of Evergreen
Bond Focus #3: Addressing emerging capital needs due to aged facilities.
If passed, the bond would provide resources within the capital funding measure to meet capital needs which will emerge within the next five years due to aged facilities. Such needs include, but are not limited to: mechanical and electrical system failures, roofing failures, plumbing failures, and safety and security improvements. Normal maintenance budgets will continue to be utilized, and the additional capital funding will be used for major system repairs and replacements.
2019 Q&A Videos
School Tour Videos
Pay It Forward
A bond would be paid for by current and future residents; their investments will enhance district learning for years to come. How does it work Low-interest bonds make money immediately available, while repayment is spread over 20 years.
Why Not A Capital levy instead of bond?
A capital levy provides a guaranteed stream of revenue for six consecutive years. Under current regulations at the state level, it has a singular advantage over a bond for the simple fact that it can be approved by a simple majority (50% plus one) of the voters instead of the super-majority (60%) required for a bond. A capital levy does not lend itself to funding the type of projects recommended. A six-year levy stream of financing generally does not provide the front funding required to build new schools.
In addition, a capital levy would create higher tax rates over the next six years when compared to this bond proposal, and because it would build fewer schools at a slower rate, we would be further behind with our overall facility conditions in eight years (when the levy projects would be complete) than we are today.
Voter Registration
Tax Exemption for Senior Citizens
2019 Bond Endorsements
The Big Picture
All of our schools need modifications, but the most dramatic need is the elementary school overcrowding. We have run out of space. Why now? Every year we wait, each elementary school is $2-3 million more expensive to build.
Modernize existing schools instead of building new schools? The aging systems in the schools are eligible for modernization. Because almost all are beyond the thirty-year mark, they are also eligible for state assistance. Work could be done to replace all major mechanical systems and upgrade facilities to last another thirty years or more. Unfortunately, the option continues to leave the district with 148 elementary classrooms to serve 214 classes. Further, it leaves the district unable to accommodate any growth. The focus of this capital proposal is to provide rooms. It leaves numerable other needs as lower priorities.
Previous facility planning committees identified over $750 million in needed facility improvements. While we recognize the variety of needs at all levels across the district, addressing these needs all at once we create an unachievable tax burden on the community. As Superintendent Jarvis reviewed the work done by previous facility planning committees and our demographic data, including most recent enrollment growth trends, he determined that elementary overcrowding was dire and needed immediate attention. The other needs are still there and will need to be addressed in the future. The secondary schools will have two areas to address in the near future: Capacity and condition. As the large elementary cohorts roll up into middle school the increased enrollment will be mitigated by re-purposing portables currently on elementary campuses to the middle schools. Emerging needs regarding the condition of systems to keep student and staff safe, warm and dry will be prioritized and addressed through the limited funding provided for in the bond. These remedies will address only short term issues. More permanent remedies will need to be addressed through future capital funding measures.
2019 Bond Endorsements
Public Information To Share (Talking Points)
Learn & Grow
We are preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist. They need engaging, flexible spaces that are built to last for generations to come. By 2021 the elementary school population is estimated to grow by 10%.
Peninsula School District Buildings were built when students were learning in a factory model where everyone learned the same thing at the same time through direct instruction where a teacher “stands and delivers” in the front of the room. Present day learning looks very different. It allows for facilitated classroom instruction, relying heavily on cooperative group work, time to work with material in “productive struggle” and the chance to use flexible grouping in breakout areas. This allows for space for projects, and presentation areas. Contemporary learning environments also support strengths-based teaching which allows for collaboration between multiple classrooms. Infrastructure must allow for even our youngest students to learn coding (computer programming), For instance, several science classrooms could collaborate and share data resulting in deeper understanding, cooperative communication and learning. The same science classrooms could collaborate with marketing classes providing realistic multidisciplinary communication that simulates present-day workplace experiences. Flexible spaces for project based learning also results infrastructure upgrades to allow for current technology standards used in higher education and the workplace.
Official Ballot Resolution
2019 Bond Q & A Video
Public Information To Share (Talking Points)
2019 Capital Bond FAQ