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Technology Equipment Disposal & Recycling

Instructions for 4J Technology equipment recycling

  • Update Lawson inventory to show equipment has been disposed.
  • The school TSS will update the 4J Technology inventory (4JTI) item status to show equipment as disposed.
  • If equipment has a hard drive, the drive must be removed, cleared, or destroyed.
  • Remove the 4J Asset Tag
  • Equipment can be delivered to the 4J District office warehouse and placed in a recycle bin, or…
  • The school secretary or custodian can enter a facilities work order to have the equipment picked up and placed in the Ed Center re-cycle bin.

Important Safety Information: Any technology equipment containing mercury (eg. LCD’s or projector bulb’s) should be given to custodian for proper disposal.

Contact CIS 4J HelpDesk Support (ext. 7777) if you have any questions.