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Superintendent Search Committee (2010–11)

To begin the process of finding a new superintendent in 2011, the Eugene School Board selected an executive search consultant and appointed a citizen search committee.

The role of the Superintendent Search Committee was to provide input and assistance during the superintendent search process. The committee:

  • Gathered stakeholder input and advised the search consultant on the development of a superintendent profile, recruitment timeline, advertisement and recruitment plan.
  • Reviewed the applicant pool and provided input on the selection of candidates to advance for interviews.
  • Assisted the consultant in developing the interview protocol and interview questions.
  • Interviewed candidates and provided feedback.

The consultants recommended a list of finalists to the school board, which then interviewed finalists and made a hiring decision.


Committee Members

The committee roster represents a diverse sampling of the Eugene community and the district’s stakeholders, including district staff, K–12 and college students, business leaders, and other community members.

Anne Marie Levis (co-chair)
Virginia Thompson (co-chair)
Stephanie Cannon
Tricia Duncan
Rebecca Eddy
Celia Feres-Johnson
Eric Forrest
Beth Gerot
Sabrina Gordon
Jet Harris
Robin Holmes
Charles Martinez
Sabrina Parsons
Marshall Peter
Ben Sappington
Tad Shannon
Curtis Smith
Mary Spilde
David Tsai
Cydney Vandercar
*One more student to be appointed