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4J Retirees: Theresa Garnsey

25 years in education comes to a close

Theresa Garnsey is a newly retired education professional with 25 years of experience in the field. From her first job as an educational assistant at Washington Elementary and Willakenzie Elementary to her last job running Holt’s library and being the Title I reading groups educational assistant, Theresa has had the pleasure of impacting the lives of many 4J students through her work. Theresa will miss all those kids and finding a book of interest for a student, especially for a reluctant reader. Her next big adventure will involve subbing in the fall and helping with both the Oregon Battle of the Books and the book fair at Holt Elementary School. In addition, she is hoping to make a dent in her stack of adult literature books, get a puppy, and travel again. Congratulations, Theresa!

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