crime scene

Unit 7: Death, Dying and human remains

    • Monday, November 18
      • Lecture on Death and Time of Death
      • Work on time of death worksheet
      • Start time of death timeline?
      • Homework
        • Read Chapter 3 of Stiff
        • Edpuzzles
          • The Strange, Smelly Science of Decomposing Bodies
          • What happens to our bodies after we die? - Farnaz Khatibi Jafari
    • Tuesday, November 19
      • Quizizz on Death and Time of Death
      • Finish time of death timeline
      • Work on Autopsy Webquest
      • Homework
        • Edpuzzles
          • What Happens to Your Body after You Die? 
          • What We Do With Dead Bodies
    • Wednesday, November 20
      • Autopsy Lecture
      • Virtual Autopsy
      • Homework
        • Edpuzzles
          • A Day in the Life of a Forensic Pathologist
          • How Is An Autopsy Performed?
          • What Happens In An Autopsy?
    • Thursday, November 21
      • Quizizz on Autopsy Lecture
      • Human remains lab
    • Friday, November 22
      • Quizizz on time of death math
      • Body Farm Video (45 min)
      • Discussion Chapter 3 of Stiff
    • Monday, November 25
      • Test on Death, Dying and Autopsies
    • Tuesday, November 26
      • Work on any missing work
      • Relevant Forensic Files - Thanksgiving Episode
    • Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29
      • Thanksgiving Break
      • HOMEWORK - Read Stiff Chapter 10: Eat Me


    Vocabulary - study both the powerpoints, edpuzzles 

    • postmortem interval (PMI)
    • manner of death
    • cause of death
    • mechanism of death
    • Autolysis
    • Algor mortis
    • Livor Mortis
    • Lividity
    • Rigor Mortis
    • Autopsy
    • Abrasions
    • Bruises
    • Lacerations
    • Incised wounds
    • Stab wounds
    • Know the different manners of death and what they mean
    • Know how they measure body temp after death
    • Know how to calculate algor mortis
    • Know the timeline and different stages of livor mortis
    • Know the timeline and different stages of rigor mortis
    • Know the factors that affect rigor mortis and HOW they affect it
    • Know the “Rule of Thumb" PMI estimates
    • Know the timeline of further decomposistion
    • Know the timeline of stomach and intestinal contents
    • Know what you look for during internal and external examinations during an autopsy
    • Know the steps and techniques involved in an Autopsy