Unit 1: Intro to Forensics

  • Welcome to Honor Forensics! 
    This introduction unit will cover some general topics as well as the history of forensics.  


    • Monday, August 26
      • Introduction to class and history powerpoint
        • Class expectations
        • Rules
        • Student Info Assignment
        • Breakage contract
        • Teacher contact information
        • Books
      • What is forensics
      • History (if time)
        • Work on dating profile and letter (canvas)
      • Homework
        • get contact information and safety contract filled out
    • Tuesday, August 27
      • The CSI Effect
      • Watch youtube video on fallibility of forensic science and discuss
        • Adam ruins everything or last week tonight
        • Finish facebook profile and turn into canvas
    • Wednesday, August 28
      • Professions in forensics
      • Poster - Group project
        • Job description - what do they do? (20 points)
        • Salary (10 points)
        • Education (10 points)
        • Background experianc necessary (10 points)
        • Skill sets needed (10 Points)
        • Look for current openings - Local and national (10 points)
        • Neatly done (10 points)
        • Creative/visually appealing (10 points)
        • At least 2 relevant pictures (10 points)
      • Homework
        • finish research for posters
    • Thursday, August 29 
      • Finish up posters (20 min)
      • Gallery walk to study and grade posters (20 min)
      • Create an application for an apprenticeship to one of the professions you would theoretically want to do and think you would be "skilled" at
      • Homework
        • finish resume
    • Friday, August 30
      • *Senior assembly meant I only had students for about 30 minutes so we watched a Forensic File
    • Tuesday, September 3
      • Crime Lab Lecture
      • Research four cities within your group and compare and contrast the crime statistics.  How would this affect your crime lab? 
        • Cities
          • Charlotte
          • Los Angeles
          • New York City
          • Chicago
          • Houston
          • Philadelphia
          • Phoenix
          • San Diego
          • San Antonio
    • Wednesday, September 4
    • Thursday, September 5
      • Continue Crime and Law Lecture
    • Friday, September 6
      • Finish Crime and Law Lecture
      • Create a Comic strip illustrating the process
    • Monday, September 9
    • Tuesday, September 10
      • Discussion on Chapter 2 of stiff
      • Finish up any missing work (comic strips mostly)
    • Wednesday, September 11
      • Review games
      • Test
      • quizlett class - https://quizlet.com/join/WJ6wUNCSx 


    Vocabuary List:


    • Forensic Science
    • criminalistics
    • odontology
    • entomology
    • pathology
    • ballistics
    • polygraphy
    • statutory laws
    • criminal law
    • common law
    • civil law
    • indict
    • arraignment
    • preliminary hearing
    • probable cause
    • nolo contendere
    • misdemeanor
    • Miranda rights
    • plea bargain
    • bail
    • violation
    • felony
    • evidence
    • expert witnesses
    • class vs. individual evidence
    • Locard principle
    • Daubert ruling
    • Frye standard
    • CSI effect
    • toxicology
    • forensic anthropology
    • serology
    • equity law
    • administrative law
    • booking
    • double jeopardy
    • probative
    • material