• The immune system is a system of many biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease. To function properly, an immune system must detect a wide variety of agents, known as pathogens, from viruses to parasitic worms, and distinguish them from the organism's own healthy tissue.
    Powerpoints and classwork:
    • Wednesday, January 23
        • Vaccines and Herd Immunity.mp4
        • The Immune System (bozeman)
    • Thursday, January 31
      • Create a poster with a group going from an immune cells interaction with a pathogen and its response on an organelle level
        • Groups of 4 or #
        • Each person in the group will pick one of the following
          • Macrophage
          • Helper T cell - omit if group of three
          • Cytotoxic T cell
          • Plasma B cell
        • Show in graphic form what goes on at an organelle level for them to "do their job"
          • Macrophage - eating an atibody and presenting it to a T cell
          • Helper T cell - From interaction with APC to the activation of B Cells
          • B cell - Creation of Antibodies
          • Cytotoxic T cell - from inteaction with APC to the killing of an infected cell
        • Rubric
          • 25 points for overall group project
            • 15 points - Do the images mesh well together (not atistically but in a graphic sense and flow)
            • 10 points - Is the overall project neat and attractive
          • 75 point for individual product
            • 25 points - All interactions are covered in design
            • 25 points - uses at least 3 organelles in explination
            • 15 points - cell is drawn correctly and easy to read
            • 10 points - neat asthetically pleasing