    Project Goal: To introduce pedigrees and also look at genetic information of your own family
    Instructions: Over Christmas break you will construct a pedigree covering three generations (so including your Grandparents and their siblings).  The instructions on how to create a pedigree are on the PDF and links below.  You should include all the relevant information to normal pedigrees (gender and relationship) and also write out personal information including (but not necessarily limited to):
    • Name
    • Birth date
    • Death date (if applicable - of course - and also as close as you can get is fine)
    • Medical conditions
      • asthma
      • cancer
      • cystic fibrosis
      • Alzheimers
      • etc.
    • Phenotypic descriptions  that are relevant to genotype
      • General height
      • Hair color (of course only put their "real" hair color)
      • Hair loss
      • etc.
    Once you have gathered the information for your pedigree - create a pedigree poster displaying all the information you have come up with. You should do this on a posterboard and decorate it with pictures of you and your family.  I will be displaying these so please only include traits you don't mind on display.  If there is some sort of medical condition in your family that you would like to track but don't want on display please tell me and we can talk about forgoing posting it. Otherwise please just make them neat and presentable. On the back I would like you to type up and answer the questions from the pdf. found below named "Family health history.
    Poster Requirements:
    • Must be a poster - not a flyer.  If you cut down the poster board to be a certain shape that is allowed
    • Writing is neat and legible.  
    • Spelling and grammar will be graded
    • Size - must be at least as large as examples shown in class
    • At least 5 pictures with different family members
    Outside information sources: 
    •  Family Health History
    • Other websites that help build pedigrees (I still want you to draw your own but this might help you figure out how to space them.  I have never used any so if one is horrid or particularily helpful please tell me!):
      • Create a Pedigree - http://www.pedigree.varphi.com/cgi-bin/pedigree.cgi
      • Progeny - http://www.progenygenetics.com/online-pedigree/ 
      • Genial: Pedigree draw - http://www.pedigreedraw.com/
      • Family Echo - http://www.familyecho.com/ 
    • Poster must must be turned in at the beginning of class on Friday, January 10th
      • Everyday it is late after that will deduct 10 points and it will not be accepted after the 17th
     This will count as a Quiz Grade!  You won't have any time scheduled in class to work on this project - everything should be done at home.  

    Pedigree Poster

    Creating the pedigree with all the pertinent and asked for qualities and information

       Pedigree completed correctly



     Family members are complete 15   

    Medical information included



    Phenotyic information complete



    When creating the poster decorate and color it in a pleasing manner.  

     Directions followed on creation  10  

    Pictures (5+)



    Aesthetically pleasing



    Grammar, spelling






    I trace my family history so I will know who to blame. 
    Every family tree has some sap in it. 
    ~ Unknown ~