crime scene

Unit 2: Crime Scenes

  • Vocabulary

    • Crime scene
    • Primary crime scene
    • Secondary crime scene
    • Suspect
    • Accomplice
    • Alibi
    • Circumstantial evidence
    • Class evidence
    • Individual evidence
    • Testimonial evidence
    • Two dimensional impressions
    • Electrostatic lifting
    • Dry-origin impressions
    • Wet origin impressions
    • Dental Stone
    • Test impressions
    • Neutral pronation
    • Over pronation
    • Under pronation/Supination 
    • Patent
    • Latent
    • Positive impressions
    • negative impressions
    • Know Crime scene personnel and what they are responsible for
    • Know the steps for crime scene protocol
    • What to note at a crime scene 
    • Types of evidence and what it means towards the investigation
    • What affects or does not affect witness accuracy
    • How to interview a witness
    • Ways to lift a footprint
    • What you can learn from footprint evidence
    • Other kinds of impression evidence

    Later "Of Dolls and Murder" documentary