crime scene

Unit 4: Hairs, Fibers and Pollen

    • Thursday, October 10
      • Hair Characteristics powerpoint
      • Examine Hair under a microscope
      • Homework
        • Read Chapter 6 of Stiff
    • Friday, October 11
      • Hair Analysis Powerpoint
      • Examine hair and turn comparisons into canvas
    • Monday, October 14
      • Finish examining hair and turn comparisons into canvas
      • The Study of Fibers and Textiles powerpoint
      • Examine textiles/fiber under microscopes
    • Tuesday, October 15
    • Wednesday, October 16 
      • Examine textiles/fiber under microscopes
    • Thursday, October 17
      • Finish examining textiles/fiber under microscopes
    • Friday, October 18
      • Types of pollen powerpoint
      • Examine pollen under the microscopes
      • Work on forensic fairy tale books 
    • Monday, October 21
      • Quizizz on Hair, fiber and pollen
      • Finish Examination of Pollen
      • Work on forensic fairy tale books
    • Tuesday, October 22
      • Discuss Chapter 6 from Stiff
      • Work on forensic fairy tale books
    • Wednesday, October 23
      • Work on forensic fairy tale books
    • Thursday, October 24
      • Work on forensic fairy tale books or test?
    • Friday, October 25
      • Test?



    • Follicle
    • Papilla
    • Sebaceous gland
    • Erector muscle
    • Nerve cells
    • medulla
    • cortex
    • cuticle
    • melanin
    • proximal vs distal
    • medulla patterns
    • Anagen stage
    • Catagen stage
    • Telogen stage
    • medullary index
    • cuticle patterns
    • comparison microscope
    • Phase contrast microscope
    • fluorescence microscope
    • Electron microscope
    • Neutron activation analysis
    • follicular tag
    • Direct transfer
    • Secondary transfer
    • Natural Fibers
    • Synthetic Fibers
    • Animal fibers (types/examples)
    • Plant fibers
    • Mineral fibers
    • Regenerated fibers (Types/examples)
    • Synthetic fibers (Types/examples)
    • yarns
    • textiles
    • warp
    • weft
    • habitat sample
    • Palynology
    • pollen fingerprint
    • Gymnosperms
    • Angiosperms
    • Reproductive parts of a flower  
    • Spore (types and examples)
    • Pollen 
    • Exine
    • Know the functions of hair
    • Know how hair is identified as being human
    • Know what part of the hair is looked at when comparing individual humans
    • Know how fast human hair grows
    • Know how to recognize treated hair patterns
    • How to track toxins in hair growth
    • How/When to collect fibers
    • What makes fibers unique or valuable to a case
    • Ways to analyze fibers
    • Comparison of synthetic and natural fibers
    • Botanical Crime-Scene Analysis
    • How to collect botanical and pollen evidence
    • What are some things botanical evidence can prove
    • Types of pollination and what they mean for the characteristics of the pollen
    • How to analyze pollen and use it in a case