• biomolecule is any molecule that is present in living organisms, including large macromolecules such as proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, and nucleic acids.
    Flashcards (5 points extra credit).  There are 26 terms below though the first 5 bullet points in the first column may need to be split up into multiple cards.  Also use the enzymatic, online biomanbio quiz and review the canvas quiz because you know I pull from them for the tests!
    •  proteins (building blocks, elements, functions and examples)
    • lipids (building blocks, elements, functions and examples)
    • nucleic acids (building blocks, elements, functions and examples)
    • carbohydrates (building blocks, elements, functions and examples)
    • pictures of the four above and the two different kinds of fats
    • saturated fat
    • unsaturated fat
    • peptide bond
    • dehydration synthesis
    • hydrolysis
    • enzymes (what are they? What affects how well they work)
    • lock and key hypothesis 
    • denature
    • chitin
    • experiment done in class)
    • Substrate
    • Product
    • Active Site
    • Be able to label an enyzme diagram like the one I put on the board
    • cellulose
    • glycogen
    • starch
    • catalase (and all the details about the 
    • monomer
    • polymer
    • hemoglobin