• Ecology
    is the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
    • Thursday, Septermber 7: 
      • Stations
        • Vocabulary station - Word dissection
        • Scriber station - Create a poem about ecological levels of organization
        • Reader station - Article on Ecology
        • Maker Station - create ecological levels
        • Player Station (at your desk) - Do the first three levels (Ecology Intro, Levels of Organization, and Relationships) in Angry Aliens and SHOW me your grades (do not submit them online! BUT you can - and should - save your game)
      • Homework:
        • Finish Angry Aliens if needed
        • Edpuzzle:  Biological Levels: The World Tour
    • Friday, September 8: 
      • Cycles in Nature (powerpoint notes)
      • Stations
        • Maker station - Water cycle labelling
        • Scriber station - Water cycle story
        • Explorer station - Carbon cycle
        • Player Station - Angry Aliens - Do the carbon cycle, water cycle . SHOW me your grades (do not submit them online! BUT you can - and should - save your game)
      • Homework
        • Finish any missing work
        • Edpuzzle: Wolves of Yellowstone - How Wolves Change Rivers
        • Ecology Quiz #1 (this will be a quiz grade!!! Make sure to do it until you are happy with your grade and THEN submit it.  Only submit it once!)
    • Monday, September 11:
      •  Nutrition and Energy Flow (powerpoint notes)
      •  Stations 
        • Maker Station- create a food chain
        • Solver station - problems with energy flow through a food chain
        • Reader station - article on trophic levels
        • Player station - Angry Aliens - Do the nutrition and energy level - SHOW me your grades (do not submit them online! BUT you can - and should - save your game)
      • Homework
        • Finish any missing work
        • Edpuzzle: Biomagnification and the Infamous DDT
        • Ecology Quiz #2 (there is one hard question on the nitrogen cycle - the answer is "I, II, and IV")
    • Tuesday, September 12: 
      • Population Biology (powerpoint notes)
      • Population biology and demographics activity
      • Homework
        • Edpuzzle: Population pyramids: Powerful predictors of the future 
    • Wednesday, September 13:
      • Play Bluff review game
      • Play Space Eco-Voyager
      • Homework
        • Make sure all your work is done (Quizzes and edpuzzles) 
        • STUDY FOR TEST!
    • Thursday, September 14:
      • TEST and test corrections
      • Notebook:
        1. Principles of Ecology Notes
        2. Ecology levels - write on a piece of paper a brief definition of each level and describe what pictures you incorporated at each level 
        3. Acrostic poem - about the ecological levels of organization from small all the way up to the universe.
        4. Word Dissection - each word and write the meanings down on a piece of paper.  
        5. Cycles in Nature Notes
        6. Water drop story/poem/rap
        7. Nutrition and Energy Flow Notes
        8. Population Biology Notes
        9. Demography chart of chosen country from class
    Flashcard words (5 points Extra Credit) ... 47 terms this time
    • Ecology
    • abiotic
    • biotic
    • Biosphere
    • organism
    • population
    • community
    • environment
    • ecosystem
    • habitat
    • niche
    • symbiosis
    • mutualism
    • parasitism
    • commensalism
    • autotroph
    • heterotroph
    • carnivore
    • herbivore
    • scavenger
    • omniovore
    • decomposer
    • precipitation
    • condensation
    • evaporation
    • run off
    • water cycle
    • carbon cycle
    • photosynthesis
    • respiration
    • fossil fuels
    • nitrogen cycle
    • why do we need nitrogen?
    • nitrogen fixing bacteria
    • Food chains
    • Food webs
    • Trophic levels
    • ecological pyramids
    • energy transfer (10% rule)
    • exponential growth
    • logistic growth
    • carrying capacity
    • density dependent
    • density independent
    • demography
    • immigration
    • emigration
    Not using this year:
    • Create and draw a food web from your given ecosystem. 
    • Must include 12 organisms (2-3 can be plants)
    • Must be in color
    • Must be a web (not simply a few chains that don't interlock)
    • Must have up to the Quarternary level
    • Must have one of each of the following labeled
      • Producer
      • Primary consumer
      • Secondary consumer
      • Tertiary consumer
      • Quarternary consumer
      •  Herbivore
      • Carnivore
    • Create your own diagram of the Carbon Cycle
    • Include the following in your diagram with a picture then in a small paragraph on the back explain each step.
        • Combustion
        • Respiration
        • Atmosphereic CO2
        • Decomposition
        • Fossil Fuels
        • Wastes
        • Photosynthesis
        • Carnivore
        • Herbivore
    • Homework: Finish your diagram