• Regulation of gene expression includes a wide range of mechanisms that are used by cells to increase or decrease the production of specific gene products (protein or RNA), and is informally termed gene regulation. Sophisticated programs of gene expression are widely observed in biology, for example to trigger developmental pathways, respond to environmental stimuli, or adapt to new food sources. Virtually any step of gene expression can be modulated, from transcriptional initiation, to RNA processing and to the post-translational modification of a protein.
    • Monday, January 13
      • Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes 
      • prokaryotic regulation POGIL
      • Homework
        • Reading - Chapter 15.1-15.2 (Pg. 309-321)
        • Edpuzzles 
          • Amoeba Sisters: Gene Expression and the Order of the Operon
          • Bozeman: Gene Regulation
    • Tuesday, January 14
    • Wednesday, January 15
      • Start Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes
      • Quiz on Radiolab episode
      • Homework:
        • Reading: Go over the questions at the end of chapter 15 and make sure you can answer them
        • Edpuzzles
          • AP Eukaryotic Gene Regulation.mp4
          • Epigenetics (Epigenetics)
    • Thursday January 16
      • Reading Quiz on Chapter 15
      • Gene Regulation in Bacteria
      • Homework - study for Midterm

      • Homework for after ...
        • Reading - Chapter 16
        • Edpuzzles 
          • Cancer
          • How CRISPR lets you edit DNA
          • crispr


    • Tuesday, January 28
      • Lab (take out science - Gene switches)
      • Homework
        • Reading - If you haven't - read Chapter 16 (Pages 327-347) and do the edpuzzles
    • Wednesday, January 29
      • Development Part 1
      • Feedback POGIL
      • Homework
        • Edpuzzles
          • Development: Timing and Coordination
          • Stem cells - What are stem cells?
    • Thursday, January 30
      • Development Part 2
      • Finish POGIL
      • Homework
        • Edpuzzles
          • Cellular Specialization
          • Bozeman: Operon
    • Friday, January 31
      • Quiz on Chapter 16
      • Essay Quiz
      • Homework - Study for the test!!!
    • Monday, February 3
      • Grade Essays
      • Table Top Review (Prokaryotic, Eukaryotic, Development)
    • Tuesday, February 4
    Review Videos