• Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make products, or "any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use" 
    • Wednesday, February 5
    • Thursday, Febrary 6
      • Biotechnology: Viruses
      • Contagion 40 clip
      • Homework
        • Reading: Chapter 17 (Pages: 348- 361)
        •  Edpuzzles
          • Viral Replication
          • The Science of Anti-Vaccination
          • Vaccines and Herd Immunity
      • Tornado warnings meant that 4th block was frazzled and short
    • Friday, February 7 
      • No school due to flooding 
    • Monday, February 10
      • Going on a field trip to Discovery Place - FILL IN SEATING CHART 
      • Homework
        • Reading: Chapter 13.4 (Pages: 274-280); Chapter 30.3 (Pages 643-646)
    • Tuesday, February 11
    • Wednesday, February 12
    • Thursday, February 13
      • Quiz on Reading and pre lab
      • Quiz on Rodney VS Death Radiolab
      • Set up PGLO lab
      • Homework 
    • Friday, February 14
      • Quiz on CRISPR radiolab
      • Finish PGLO lab
      •  Homework
        •  Edpuzzles
          • Why are GMOs Bad?
          • Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever – CRISPR
    • Monday, February 17 - Teacher work day
    • Tuesday, February 18
      • Essay Quiz
      • DNA Electrophoresis and Restriction Enzymes
      •  On the third page when it tells you to make a restriction map what you are supposed to do is figure out the length of each fragment. The entire length is 48,502 (we know this because the lambda, control, shows us).  To find the lengths of each other segment you simply subtract out the end from the beginning.  For example the first section of EcoRI is 21,226 - which is easy because it is given - and to find the second I simply subtract 21,226 from 26,104.  Once you have the lengths of all the fragments you enter them in the chart from largest to smallest.  Then on the final page you run a simulated gel electrophoresis where you put a line where each one would end up.  Our example that was 21,226 would be a line just above the 20,000.
    • Wednesday, February 19
      • Grade Essays
      • Finish up any missing work
      • Table top review if time
      • Homework - Study!
    • Thursday, February 20