Fall Sports Update

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The following message is from the Fairport CSD Director of Health, Physical Education & Athletics, Mr. Fritz Kilian, to all Fairport families regarding the status of the Fall Sports season, which will begin on September 28.

Dear Fairport Families:

We have received direction from the Department of Health and the Governor’s Office that we may begin moderate and low risk sports this fall.


COVID-19 positive test identified at Fairport High School

Dear Fairport Community:

We have been notified by a staff member who works at Fairport High School (FHS) that this individual has tested positive for COVID-19 and is currently asymptomatic. The staff member was in the building during both staff onboarding days this past week. This person had minimal contact with other staff members;


Message from Superintendent on Recent Community Tension

It is with a very heavy heart that we must acknowledge another tragic and traumatic event that further divides us and heightens racial tensions throughout our community. In addition to racial tensions and trauma brought about by the tragic death of Daniel Prude, this devastating situation highlights the difficulties and lack of resources our community has to respond to mental health emergencies.


School Start & End Times for 2020-21 school year

The Fairport Central School District’s schedule for start and end times during the 2020-21 school year has been slightly adjusted to accommodate the increase of families transporting students to and from school on the in-school days for hybrid students (Monday/Thursday and Tuesday/Friday). Please see below for school-specific times. For questions,