Fairport Central School District

It is with a very heavy heart that we must acknowledge another tragic and traumatic event that further divides us and heightens racial tensions throughout our community. In addition to racial tensions and trauma brought about by the tragic death of Daniel Prude, this devastating situation highlights the difficulties and lack of resources our community has to respond to mental health emergencies. Learning about this event months after it happened further erodes trust in the systems that should be informing and protecting all members of our community. Our hearts go out to Daniel Prude and his family along with others who are impacted by this tragedy.

Fairport continues its commitment to cultural competency, restorative practices and mental health. During the 2020-2021 school year our Diversity Council and parent group, Lead by Example, will resume meeting. Soon we will also be releasing a comprehensive report summarizing information collected through the equity surveys and focus groups that parents, staff, and students participated in last year. It will contain district data, which will be used to measure progress and our accountability. We will also be sharing the activities that are taking place in the areas of curriculum, human resources and professional learning for staff.

Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools