Fairport Central School District

Celebrating FHS Artists with Gallery Exhibition

Image City 2021 flier featuring Fairport photographer work

Fairport High School student artists were recently celebrated at a special in-person exhibition of their work at Image City Photography Gallery. Photographs by 10 FHS students were selected for the Gallery’s 12th “Through the Student Lens” exhibition, which is dedicated to high school student photographers.

“This show is a big deal among Rochester area schools.


Artwork of 16 Fairport students featured in RIT exhibition

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The Fairport Art Department is pleased to share that 16 works by Fairport students grades 6-12 are featured in the “Start Here” Exhibition throughout January at RIT’s Bevier Gallery.

Each year art teachers in the surrounding area have the opportunity to enter ONLY two pieces into an annual exhibit held at RIT. 


Fairport student artwork featured in exhibit at RIT’s Bevier Gallery

Artwork from many students in the Fairport Central School District is now featured in the Start Here Middle School High School Exhibition at Rochester Institute of Technology’ s Bevier Gallery, which began on Jan. 26 with an awards ceremony and opening reception. The artwork will be on display at the gallery through Feb.