Athletic News and Information – Winter Season Update

Fairport Central School Families,

We have received direction from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and the NYS Governor’s Office that we may begin a Winter Season for moderate and low risk sports.  With this being said, there is a tremendous amount of guidance and protocols surrounding the ‘COVID-19’ safety measures that we must adhere to in order for interscholastic student-athletes to practice and compete safely.


WHY testing is important (Yellow Zone compliance)

There have been many questions received surrounding COVID-19 testing in our schools. As you know, the Governor recently designated our region as a yellow zone. This designation requires mandatory weekly testing of 20% of our school population (i.e. students and staff). Under the yellow zone requirements, districts that do not meet the 20% weekly testing rule will be required to transition to 100% remote learning.


High School seniors engage in leadership, develop life-long skills

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Each fall, Fairport High School students have the opportunity to work with government leaders in Washington, D.C. to discuss topics and issues they research as part of a social studies elective course, Senior Leadership Seminar. While students were not able to travel to D.C. this year, they weren’t going to let a pandemic get in the way of making the most of the experience.


Free Meals Program extended through remainder of 2020-21 school year

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has again extended the free school meals program to students every school day (remote & hybrid) through the remainder of the 2020-21 school year. Parents who would like to request meals for their child(ren) on a remote day must pre-order (link below).

We also encourage families who benefit from the Free &


Fairport recognizes newly-tenured educators & new teachers

Fairport CSD recognized newly tenure-granted educators and new teachers prior to the Board of Education meeting on Oct. 20, 2020.

Congratulations to the following newly tenured educators:

  • Meredith Klus, Principal, Brooks Hill
  • Patrick Grow, Principal, Johanna Perrin
  • Kevin Henchen, Director of Staff Development
  • Ellen Reed,