Fairport Central School District

September 16, 2020

A student at Fairport High School has tested positive for COVID-19. This individual attended school this week and is currently asymptomatic. This news is not unexpected. We have been working closely with the Monroe County Department of Public Health (MCDPH) to prepare for this type of situation.

The District has been in contact with the MCDPH and they have started the contact tracing process. The affected individual has been quarantined, as well as the student’s immediate family/household. The student will not return to school until receiving clearance from the MCDOH.

If the MCDPH indicates there is anything further that needs to occur at the district level, we will certainly keep you updated. Per HIPAA regulations, the District is unable to legally disclose any further details or personal identifiable information. The District has and will continue to follow CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting our schools.

Any questions related to potential exposure, testing, contact tracing or quarantining should be directed to the MCDPH at (585) 753-5555 or by emailing COVID19@monroecounty.gov. In addition, individuals may want to contact their primary care physician to discuss related medical questions or concerns.

This situation reiterates the need for our staff and students to be vigilant about mask wearing. It is also a reminder that we need to continue to follow health protocols and mitigation standards set forth. We should all be aware of the symptoms of COVID-19, including fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. You can find information about COVID-19 on our website here.

New York State created a COVID-19 dashboard that we have embedded into our website here: https://www.fairport.org/district/safety-security/coronavirus-covid-19/. We are obligated to update Fairport’s data daily. Note, this new positive case is not added to the dashboard as of today.

We are grateful for this parent’s immediate notification to the District. We also appreciate our continued partnership with the MCDPH who is diligently working to keep our community safe.

Fairport will likely encounter additional cases this year, as will other school districts. We will continue to do everything we can to mitigate the risk and minimize the spread. This includes thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting our buildings each day.

Please continue to monitor yourself and your children for symptoms and stay home if you or they are sick. As a reminder, it is essential that parents/guardians complete the health screening each school day for every child. This assessment can be found on the ParentSquare app. Please contact your healthcare provider if you develop symptoms or if you have any additional questions or concerns.


Brett Provenzano

Superintendent of Schools

Deborah Miles

Director of Student Services, COVID 19 District Liaison